
Showing posts with the label voice problem

Case Study of our recent attendee of an introductory/exploratory voice repair session:

  Is your compromised voice your problem?  The Answer is... The Problem Is YOU!! How so, you, my reader, may ask? Let’s find out, shall we? Dear reader, due to the confidentiality code, we will not be disclosing the name of the person of interest the story of whom is described below: A week ago, in our studio here in Toronto, a female in her late 30’s/early 40’s walked in ready to embark onto our introductory/exploratory session, concerning her voice disorder. She revealed that (some time ago) she was diagnosed with what’s called Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). I asked her to tell me her story in more detail.  And the more I spoke to her, the more I was amazed how this person could actually exist on this Earth and consider herself that her life was actually somewhat normal….?   To her credit though, (looking quite shy and introverted) she was somewhat open to tell me about herself revealing her shortcomings….(about her voice and her life patterns in general). She vo...

Let’s find out more about Vocal Paralysis…

Let’s find out more about Vocal Paralysis… Can this very serious and complicated voice disorder be treated Non-Surgically? Every human being, at some point in their lives, experiences a change when it comes to their voice. Some of those changes are natural & some changes are abnormal. Sometimes, those abnormal changes are so severe, they may even warrant an investigation with respect to finding out where the underline cause lies. This leads to the discovery of voice problems and what they signify with regards to one’s health.  In this article, we will focus on a particular voice disorder known as vocal cord paralysis; its causes, symptoms and the options that are available in order to effectively treat it. Introduction Vocal paralysis is a condition where one or both vocal cords are unable to move due to various factors – most of which derive from nerve damage (specifically, the nerves that activate the muscles within the vocal cords). In some cases, the above happens to stroke...

Vocal Science™: Suffering from Voice Problems or the Vocal Issues?

Feeling uncertain, anxious, scared and even hopeless?  WE CAN HELP! When a sudden voice problem or vocal issue occurs, the person becomes quite confused (not understanding what had just happened with their speaking and/or singing voice and why their voice became not only raspy and hoarse, but also their throat had gone on fire with a lot of pain...).  Nevertheless, the sufferer also begins to experience not only a lot of pain in the throat, but also experience severe tightness in their neck - to the point that the person would actually be reluctant to speak at all... What is happening…?! Why is it happening?!  They have been exclaiming in their minds! These people have been desperately searching for answers!! But, apparently, it is not as easy as it sounds! They urgently ran to their family doctor and of course, those sufferers had gotten a referral to see an ENT specialist and even to do acupuncture.  However, they still haven’t received any definitive d...

Suffering from voice disorders like Sulcus Vocalis, Muscle tension Dysphonia or, perhaps, even Spasmodic Dysphonia? We can help!

We specialize in a unique form of voice restoration and enhancement - designed for those who suffer from voice disorders, vocal disorders, vocal cord damage and speaking and singing voice problems overall. Since 1984, we have serviced over an estimated 25,000 (combined) students and clients who have been coming to us for non-surgical voice repair sessions and treatments. The school originally started as The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts. Since 1987, we started specializing in singing and speaking only. We stopped teaching piano, guitar, violin and other instruments. So, given that, the school got renamed to the Royans Professional Vocal School . In 1989, I myself acquired an, evidentially, emotionally-induced vocal problem. I have to say that, at first, I had tried to rectify that problem via help offered by medical professionals - but, unfortunately, to no avail. Luckily, by a company named Nature’s Sunshine, I was addressed to a place which used ...

Vocal Science™ - Strategic Response! Do you have a voice/vocal problem…? We have a strategic approach to rectify it.

We would identify the cause of your voice issues and then we will find the solution for the appropriate alternative/holistic treatment which, in the majority of cases, will lead to a desirable cure!! In February of 1984, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts was founded. Just over 7 years onward, it turned into The Royans Professional Vocal School , as we started to specialize in voice and vocals only. At that time, a lot of singers (and speakers, for that matter) successfully completed their programs with us and went on their merry way to their singing performances, public speaking careers, as well as to working in the media channels like radio and television. Then, evidently, life became much more stressful due to (at that time) an enormous demand on human skills. Like figure skaters and gymnasts, the singers and speakers started experiencing a lot of trauma caused by various injuries in their field. By the end of the 80’s, my own stress took over my lif...

They said that “You will never have your voice back to normal ever again.” We said… “TRY US!”

With the Vocal Science™ method and its own very unique vocal technique, we have proven quite a few medical professionals wrong! - Case Study #1: Tim Bristol of Niagara Falls, New York - The above-named non-surgical voice repair client of ours was given a “sentence” of “the point of no return”. The ENT professionals were stating that many of our clients (formally theirs) would never recover their speaking and/or singing voices ever again… With the above in mind… let’s profile a throat cancer survivor named Tim Bristol. Some time ago, he came to us seeking a viable solution for his very serious voice problem, after surviving throat cancer. Tim has been a musician, singer/songwriter (at the time) for over 45 years of his life. From his words, his whole life had mainly revolved around music. Also, from his words, while performing on many stages, which he was playing from, he saw nothing but “blue light”. So, needless to say, the constant second-hand smoke was inhaled by Tim, night ...

Information About Vocal Paralysis And Whether or Not It Could Be Treated Non-Surgically.

Every human, at some point in their lives, experiences a change when it comes to their voice. Some of those changes are natural & some changes are abnormal. Sometimes, those abnormal changes are so severe, they may even warrant an investigation with respect to finding out where the underline cause lies. This leads to the discovery of voice problems and what they signify with regards to one’s health. In this article, we will focus on a particular voice disorder known as vocal cord paralysis; it’s causes, symptoms and the options that are available in order to effectively treat it.   Introduction Vocal paralysis is a condition where one or both vocal cords are unable to move due to various factors – most of which derive from nerve damage (specifically, the nerves that activate the muscles within the vocal cords). In some cases, the above happens to stroke victims, throat cancer victims/survivors, brain cancer victims/survivors & to those who have other ...

Vocal Science™… Life With Voice! Strained Vocal Cords driven to such a disorder as Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)

Restoring and building tomorrow's healthy voices! "If you could do it alone, you would have done it already"   - States weight loss guru, Harvey Brooks. We totally agree with his statement and are more than willing to offer you a big help advocating and, thus employing our Vocal Science™ Method, which will greatly help you conquer all of your voice/vocal problem(s) – AND WE GAURENTEE THAT!! With that in mind, we have two very informative testimonials for your educational and reading pleasure. These testimonials speak for themselves. We really don’t have much to add, except; If anybody is interested in pursuing a Non-Surgical Voice Repair Course and Treatment with us,   we would be more than happy to explain the technical and overall scientific side of this very fascinating process of restoring one’s voice and reclaiming one’s life… with voice! Please see below. Davida F:   Manager, Partner Programs at End to End Networks - Strained Vocal Cords ...

Vocal Science: We Believe In LIFE After The Completion Of The Voice, Body and Soul Repair.

Once, I had a request from a serious voice problem sufferer who was residing in the UK.  He was a throat cancer survivor; and with all of the chemotherapy and radiation therapy, he ended up having both vocal cords damaged. One of his vocal cords was paralyzed and the other one was simply non-functional. He approached me with all kinds of questions and when his question came around the price of my nonsurgical voice repair services and treatment sessions , he exclaimed: “Oh my God, it is too much!” When I asked him what he would do with the same amount of money if he would not end up paying for my services? He said: “I would go on vacation…” Then I asked him if he would enjoy that vacation, being afraid to open his mouth and constantly be conscious on how he would be received and perceived by other people? On that note, I’ve heard the tears in his voice. He had obviously gotten my drift… so to speak. After this emotional moment, our deal had been finalized; and shortly aft...

Vocal Science - "Fifty Shades" Of Voice: What Do We Mean By This?

What we mean by this is that the human voice possesses a ‘rainbow of colours’, so to speak. It also possesses different varieties of voice performance .  Singers always say that sometimes they really have ‘good days’ with their voice, i.e., their voice obeying their commands and give them the right tonality, bright tone and perfect pitch; whereas some other times, they refer to the ‘bad days’, i.e., when the voice sounds dark in tone and the pitch and projection also suffer. Objectively, the latter, in this case, depends on the mood of a singer, the weather and, perhaps, the personal circumstances prevailing the performance.  All of the above is somewhat good, but wouldn’t it be even better if the singer did not depend on the outer factors; but would mostly depend on the professional training and proper vocal technique, pertaining to the vocal performances and studio recordings.  After all, we are talking about the human being and the human voice h...

Voice And Vocal Problems… Out-Doctored And Out-Treated… What’s next?

The next thing is to regain your lost voice and gain back control of your life.   However, easier said then done! We noticed that if our potential clients reveal to us that they started having vocal issues only a few month ago, statistically, those clients with voice problems will not end up in our studio anytime soon. However, the ones who have been suffering with their voice problems for over 2, 3, 5 or even more years, will most likely embark on our services that much faster. I thought about it long and hard and I came to the conclusion that those with recent voice/vocal problems have not been “out-doctored” enough yet. They still believe (especially in countries like Canada and England) that the medicine is “free” (in a manner of speaking); and thus they will be able to find adequate “free” medical care to treat (and even “cure”) their vocal problems.  Since it’s all new and fresh to them, they are heavily accessing numerous doctors and specialists, es...