
Showing posts with the label sore throat

Vocal Science: How can acid reflux affect the quality of your voice?

Would you consider yourself someone who uses their voice a great deal? Are you a professional singer, a professional voice artist or someone that uses their voice at work more than usual? If yes, then you know that your voice is a very important tool/resource that needs to be protected; and if used incorrectly or abused, your voice can be susceptible to all kinds of traumas. Some symptoms of certain vocal problems, disorders or traumas can include a hoarse voice , excessive throat clearing, thick buildup of mucus in the throat, coughing, trouble in swallowing, trouble breathing, etc. All these symptoms will definitely affect your voice. It may very well even effect the quality of your life!  Some other voice/vocal abnormalities may include changes in pitch and also the volume of your voice. It may also cause vocal fatigue, breaks (or cracks) in your voice while speaking or singing… And nevertheless, you also may experience difficulty being heard in noisy environments when you...

My Voice Is Gone And My Throat Hurts. What Could I Do?

One day, you wake up and you notice that suddenly, your voice is not the same as it normally is. You think to yourself; "maybe, its just morning raspiness and it will go away later in the day".  Five (or more) days pass and you realize that your voice is not getting any better.  It’s actually getting worse with every word you try to convey. On top of that, your throat feels like it is on fire and it has been burning severely. So, by now, you have come to the realization that something is definitely wrong there… Your  voice feels weak, and on top of that, it sounds raspy and hoarse . “What could I do to make it better” you ask yourself in desperation? Of course, right away, you turn to the “all reliable internet" for answers to your vocal dilemma, and find out that all of their “answers” are just generic explanation websites which, at most times, do not lead you to the best diagnosis and/or treatments. Now, you are lost completely and totally unaware ...

Non-Surgical Voice Repair... Technically Speaking: Applying "Forensic" Science Towards Voice/Vocal Performance

Recently, we began hearing more and more about individuals' various voice issues and vocal problems... Some people have been suffering for years with the loss of their regular voice, speaking and/or singing .  The majority of those people, in the past, had already visited all kinds of doctors and ENT specialists and thus, had gotten diagnosed with all kinds of health problems related or, most of the time, not related to their vocal performance . Moreover, the loss of their original speaking and/or singing voice  often had been associated with all kinds of factors pertaining to the person’s internal health...?   However, some of the internal health problems, in fact, may be related to the change in the quality of one's voice.    For example: If the person maintains  some unhealthy diet i.e. consumes a lot of dairy or spicy products for that matter, that person most likely will possess a lot of mucus everywhere in the body, nevertheless, vocal ...

Vocally Speaking: "Inner Bomb Detonation"… How Dangerous or perhaps, even Beneficial could that be?

Vocal damage hurts, but you don’t have to. It could be devastating when the vocal injury occurs for both speakers and singers . Interestingly enough, for speakers, it appears to be even more tragic, as they are absolutely unaware of that occurrence. While overusing and abusing their voice, they have no idea that one day, it can burst on them. They continue pushing and pulling until their voice literally “pops” (as had been literally described by one of my voice repair clients ) and then becomes hardly usable.  Clearly, the above had not happened at that moment; The, so to speak, ‘stage’ (the precedent) had gotten pre-set for some time. Those voice-injured singers/speakers were (almost literally) ‘developing and gradually building a bomb’, and it was only a matter of time before the now-ready 'bomb’ would eventually detonate.   Given the above, needless to say, regardless, of whether they were amateur or professional speakers, they were sensing the change in ...

Voice Repair for Singers: Can the Singer Get Back On His Vocal Feet? — What Does It Entail?

I would like to introduce you to one of my former voice repair clients, “Davey Dee” (a.k.a. David De Giuli).  David’s dream always was to become a singer .  He has tried various teachers trying to learn how to sing and even went as far as Nashville.  He spent a lot of time, energy, effort and money and instead of learning how to actually sing, he ended up with the obvious voice damage.  His speaking voice was so raspy that in times it was not easy to understand what he was saying, let alone singing.  But, David was very determined to recover his voice and to become a singer.  He took quite a few hours of my instruction and consumed quite a bit of natural herbs which also played an essential role in David’s voice restoration .  To date he recorded two (2) original rock songs - “I Got It Bad” & “The Other Side” - and just recently sent it to me.  I was more than pleasantly surprised!  Not only now he looks great, bu...

Vocally Speaking and Otherwise… Be your Healthy Best! Prevent your Vocal Disorder!

Nowadays, my practice consists of at least 85-90% of Non-Surgical voice repair clients. It is unfortunate, but it is a fact. One of the reasons is that people, overall, are getting to be not as healthy as they used to be. Our earth is deeply polluted and respectively, and the food we eat and the air we breathe is also very toxic. A lot of voice disorder cases I am receiving are being affected environmentally, and then of course, a lot of them have been misusing their voices while speaking and, or, singing. But, first and foremost, the problem with the majority of cases begins with their inner health inadequacy. Also, a lot of those people are very intense, loud and extremely emotional. Right away, speaking loudly and forcefully, they are putting their vocal cords, and the whole vocal box in general, in great distress. They are straining their vocal cords and twisting their larynx on a consistent, everyday basis. Their posture is usually not intact as ...