Voice Disorders - Attending to The Human Voice is Not One Thing We Do; It Is the ONLY thing we do!

We treat you and your voice above others! Your voice is sounding hoarse and raspy and your voice is almost lost …? What should you do? Naturally, you would call your physician and ask for a referral to an ENT specialist. After waiting for a few months, you actually may get an appointment. By that time, though, in the best scenario, your voice may get back to normal; but most likely, it will stay the same or it will get worse. It is much easier to treat any voice disorder at the beginning stages, so it is quite possible that the valuable time had been lost, and thus the non-surgical treatment may not be as successful as otherwise could be. On a personal note, I used to hire a private ENT just to clean my ears when needed. My ears are very important to me, as my super-sonic hearing (by the common opinion) allows me to hear the minutest details and changes in the human voice. On this premise, I cannot allow just a regular nurse to attend to my ea...