"Unlock" Your Voice... And Take Away the "Golden Key" to Your Vocal Performance Success!!

One of my former students, who, for some time, has been in the development of becoming a well-known artist, reconnected with me recently. This time, she ended up being signed with a major label and also having her personal/artistic manager whereas unlike before, when she was only a young girl who was just starting out when she first came to me. Introducing me to her team, the manager and songwriter, she kept repeating over and over, "Diana had unlocked my voice. I want her to do it again." Out of curiosity, both of her crew members had asked her what she meant by that. She said, "My voice felt before like it was locked in my throat and in my neck muscles and once I took a course with Diana, it started to soar..." Of course, now eight years have passed and the voice evidently needed some tune-up, so to speak. Lots of shows were performed, and lots of different producers were giving their comments on my student's vocals. However, the majority of times, t...