
Showing posts with the label muscle tension dysphonia

Case Study of our recent attendee of an introductory/exploratory voice repair session:

  Is your compromised voice your problem?  The Answer is... The Problem Is YOU!! How so, you, my reader, may ask? Let’s find out, shall we? Dear reader, due to the confidentiality code, we will not be disclosing the name of the person of interest the story of whom is described below: A week ago, in our studio here in Toronto, a female in her late 30’s/early 40’s walked in ready to embark onto our introductory/exploratory session, concerning her voice disorder. She revealed that (some time ago) she was diagnosed with what’s called Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). I asked her to tell me her story in more detail.  And the more I spoke to her, the more I was amazed how this person could actually exist on this Earth and consider herself that her life was actually somewhat normal….?   To her credit though, (looking quite shy and introverted) she was somewhat open to tell me about herself revealing her shortcomings….(about her voice and her life patterns in general). She vo...

Medical Doctors and Speech Therapists had, Once Again, Failed the Patient with the Sulcus Vocalis Diagnosis!

How so; you, my reader, may ask? Our answer is; what else is new…? This story is about our former non-surgical voice repair client, Issac H – a Jewish community leader from Brooklyn, New York.  Once medical doctors had diagnosed Issac with such a disorder as Sulcus Vocalis ( a gap between the vocal cords), they strongly suggested to Issac to undergo a vocal operation.  On that note, Issac visited numerous speech therapists and speech pathologists…  Needless to say, he did not receive any meaningful help. Being only 36 years old at the time, he nearly lost his hope to be able to speak – using his normal voice again.  When he contacted us, he became very emotional and claimed that he was looking for somebody like us for quite a few years now.  He mentioned that he is a very significant person in the Jewish community and jokingly said:  “You know, Diana, we Jewish people are a very loud nation…”   Listening to his story, we, with absolute certainty, said...

Could Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) Transform into Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD)?

Yes, it could! I, my reader, would like to introduce you to some stories that we had come across. In the year 2014, I got an e-mail from a person who said that she had been diagnosed with Muscle Tension Dysphonia . In that e-mail, she said that her speaking voice was quite compromised and that she was seeking help in that regard.  As usual, I responded and asked her to give me a call so that I could hear her voice - and would know what I would potentially be dealing with in order to help her to the best of my knowledge. She had never called; thus it was left up in the air… In the year 2015, I got yet another e-mail from her, reminding me that we had already communicated (via e-mail) a year ago. In this e-mail, she was revealing that now, her Muscle Tension Dysphonia had turned into Spasmodic Dysphonia. She also warned me that her speaking voice got exponentially worse. I have an extremely good memory, and I could recall right away who she was. So right from ...

Voice Disorders Classic Diagnosis:

Acid Reflux affecting Vocal Cords? Can it also provoke a Muscle Tension Dysphonia Diagnosis? Go Figure!!! Lately, more and more voice issue sufferers are coming to me with the most - seem to be common - diagnosis such as acid reflux affecting the vocal cords, and also  muscle tension dysphonia   pr ovoked by acid reflux. Why those two specific voice disorders described above are very common, you may ask? Are there any other  vocal problems  that people also experience?   Of course, there are! The rest of them are much more obvious growths on the vocal cords or even throat - (For example,  nodes, nodules, polyps , cysts, lesions, etc). But what appears to be interesting is that if the person (let’s say with a hoarse/raspy voice) is not diagnosed with any growth on their vocal cords, he/she is immediately labelled with one or the other diagnosis - i.e, either g...

If You Suffer From These Symptoms Listed Below... You May Have MTD or SD Voice Disorder!

If You Suffer From These Symptoms Listed Below...  You May Have MTD or SD Voice Disorder! Have you, perhaps, THREW YOUR VOICE OFF OF A VOCAL BALANCE…? -Drowned your voice Deeply in your Lower Throat Position…? - Experience Hoarseness and Raspiness…? - Have Difficulty to Swallow…? - Have Difficulty Breathing…? - Feel Pain in the Throat and/or Neck…? - Does your throat feel Dry at All Times…? - Acid Reflux perhaps…? - No doubt, excessive Mucus…? ….Find out how we can help you - Naturally / Holistically / Alternatively… For many years we have been receiving people with the above-listed symptoms. Practically all of them came to us with a diagnosis of either Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). The majority of those people have been mainly concerned with their speaking voice, however, there were also singers who were not necessarily diagnosed with MTD or SD, but who had a dry throat, excess of mucus, and/or gastric acid and thus they also possessed a raspy and ho...

Vocal Surgery for Spasmodic Dysphonia...?

  Vocal Surgery for Spasmodic Dysphonia? Against all odds... However, let’s find out if it is bound to work…? Recently, a Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) sufferer’s email came to our attention - whereas the person revealed to us that he actually had undergone what’s called a SLAD-R vocal operation. He said that it did help him with the spasms; but after the fact, all of that had turned into Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) . That was the part he said he had desperately tried to get rid of. However, he said: “The strength of my voice is still weak and gets weaker and raspier as the day progresses as I talk more.” “I have done some sessions with some speech therapists… I do all the drills that I’ve been taught like the neck stretch exercises, straw phonation, lip trills, etc.” “I get temporary relief… my throat doesn't feel as constricted and I notice that resonant voice on the roof of my mouth… but that feeling is very short-lived and I’m back to a strained voice…” Now I would like to ask yo...

Additional Voice Recovery Testimonial from A Morris: MTD Survivor, Up-And-Coming Singer/Songwriter from the USA.

We would like to share with you a letter which was recently addressed to us by Aubrie Morris, our former voice repair client, a previous sufferer of Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) - from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania USA. *Please see below* Sorry for the belated communication. I got busy, but I’m busy making your money. My vision always includes you. LITERALLY, as long as I have you, I’ll be ok! I know that! I gotta get this singing course done and am willing to do almost anything to get it. Yes, I'm soo ready to come up there I CAN NOT WAIT!! I'm so READY FOR THIS PANDEMIC TO BE OVER!! Haha, I will never let you go, Diana. I just get really focused. The evidence of your method is real! You're my coach and I'm proud of it. I can not wait to be a REAL product of Diana Yampolsky.   Hey do me a favor; Take a deposit of $1500 towards my next 30-hour singing course. That will be 60 hours in total. THANK YOU THANK YOU!! Can not wait to see you both! By the way, I sent you 27 white...

Vocal Science™ Proper Diagnostics and Natural Treatments: Holistic Approach to Voice Mechanics and the Person as a Whole...

The above-mentioned specific diagnostics require a certain set of skills to first diagnose (to find the cause of the problem) and then treat (especially), the most complicated voice disorders like MTD (Muscle Tension Dysphonia), and more so, SD (Spasmodic Dysphonia). Needless to say, it is also applicable to many other very complicated voice disorders alike. We treat them naturally (non-surgically) and, nevertheless, alternatively while employing a holistic approach to vocal mechanics and, nevertheless, the person as a whole! As it appears to be, for a vocal disorder like muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) , the only thing the speech therapists/pathologists are able to offer to the sufferer is a neck massage - which, nonetheless, is a totally useless procedure concerning this and any other voice disorder issues… Regarding spasmodic dysphonia (SD) , the only option the medical professionals have to offer is botox injections inserted into the muscles in the neck and into the patient's vo...

Vocal Science™ - Way to go…! Voice to go! (Strained Vocal Cords, Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or Spasmodic Dysphonia).

Strained Vocal Cords, Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or Spasmodic Dysphonia for that matter... Is there a connection between them? Strained vocal cords - a serious voice problem that could lead to various, more serious voice disorders like Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) or even  Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD). What causes strained vocal cords in the first place? Overuse and misuse of one's voice; speaking very loudly, screaming, yelling and forcing the voice to its maximum capacity. Vocal Strain is also likely to present itself due to professional and occupational hazards, naturally affecting certain professionals - like teachers, fitness instructors, worship leaders at churches, lawyers, politicians etc. Also, it affects those who, for example, choose to participate in various chorus groups and big gatherings. In addition, radio and TV personnel, voice-over actors, as well as public speakers - due to the nature of their professions, are also greatly affected...