
Showing posts with the label speech lesson

Vocally Speaking: Would Your Prefer To Fix Your Voice, Or Would You Rather Suffer From Permanent Voice Loss?

Lately, more and more, we are getting phone calls and e-mails from people who have been suffering from various voice disorders, and moreover, suffering for many years! Needless to say, that with time, (10, 20 or even 30 years later) for some reason, their voices did not get cured or even properly treated for that matter; and nevertheless, their voices did not sound any better then at the beginning of their voice/vocal ordeal; rather, in majority of cases, much worse . In fact, many of them claimed that the quality of their voices became more compromised from the time when their voice issues had originally began. So the question then is… Why these people, suffering for numerous years, never put a handle on their voice disorder? I think the answer is that there is not much help available with respect to nonsurgical voice repair , which actually (in most cases) will produce tangible results. The other reason is that people are absolutely unaware of what’s happ...

Vocal Science™: "Vocaholics" Anonymous - Get "Sober"... Reinvigorate Your Voice!!

Some time ago, after 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair, speaking and singing instruction and herbal treatment, we said goodbye to our New York client, John Polanco.  With his permission, we would like to share his story with you, our readers.   Ever since he was a young boy, John had a real passion for singing. He discovered that singing, especially in his native language (Spanish) made him very happy and thus, he felt very joyous.  He began to sing with friends at parties and by himself. Many people (his musician friends included) were giving him advice on how to sing better. He had carefully listened to them and tried to adapt all of the new "techniques" they were suggesting him to employ. He was also imitating all of the famous and not-so-famous Spanish singers and he loved doing it, until he noticed that his voice did not perform the same anymore. He tried to push and pull his voice until he could not do it any longer....

Vocal Science. Practice makes perfect… but not always.

Over the years, I have possessed a lot of singers (or wannabe singers), and also speakers who originally came to me for non-surgicalvoice repair to restore their speaking and singing voices. Now, after certain amount of hours spent with me restoring their voices and re-learning how to really speak and/or sing , they naturally became very excited and began to practice on their own, in spite of my warnings to them to keep it in moderation.  I do understand that they are very excited to reach the new higher grounds with their speaking and singing voices, but they do not understand that the bad habits, which got them in trouble in the first place, are still there and have been there much longer then the newly – found good habits. There is a saying: “Bad habits die hard”.   Indeed!  So what happens is; once my clients start practicing on their own sooner than they were advised, the bad habits kick in and knock down the newly-instilled good habits....