Vocally Speaking: Would Your Prefer To Fix Your Voice, Or Would You Rather Suffer From Permanent Voice Loss?

Lately, more and more, we are getting phone calls and e-mails from people who have been suffering from various voice disorders, and moreover, suffering for many years!

Needless to say, that with time, (10, 20 or even 30 years later) for some reason, their voices did not get cured or even properly treated for that matter; and nevertheless, their voices did not sound any better then at the beginning of their voice/vocal ordeal; rather, in majority of cases, much worse.

In fact, many of them claimed that the quality of their voices became more compromised from the time when their voice issues had originally began.

So the question then is… Why these people, suffering for numerous years, never put a handle on their voice disorder?

I think the answer is that there is not much help available with respect to nonsurgical voice repair, which actually (in most cases) will produce tangible results.

The other reason is that people are absolutely unaware of what’s happening to them and why; not withholding the fact that they are actually even more so unaware how to deal with their voice problems at all!

For example: All of them (regular speaking people and singers, nevertheless) think that there is a problem with their voice when, in reality, the problem is with the application of their voice.

Especially at the beginning of their voice issues, they go to numerous appointments with ENT specialists and speech therapists.

The ENT specialist, at best, could diagnose their disorder, but very rarely, they would offer any constructive course of action with respect of restoration of one’s voice and bringing it back to its normal state.

Of course, if there is an obvious growth on, let’s say the vocal cords, they would be more then happy to operate to remove the growth.

In a vast majority of the latter, those nasty nodules and polyps could be dissolved via special speech and/or singing exercises, which will possess the proper application and proper structure of the sound and which (in turn) will take the voice away from the effected area; and thus, release that effected area from the pressure of the sound and allow the vocal anatomy to heal (giving it a rest) while concurrently receiving the application of the natural herbs and homeopathic remedies for the complete healing of the throat flora.

As we all know, any surgery could produce unforeseen complications such as: scar tissue, sulcus vocalis (enlarged gap between the vocal cords) and even vocal paresis.

Sounds scary… doesn’t it?

But it could be even scarier when the time is lost for surgical interference to take place.

So, as I said in my numerous blogs and publications previously; DO NOT GIVE UP SEARCHING, especially for non-surgical solutions for your vocal problems.

Although, if it is not possible and the vocal surgery is required, please find a qualified surgeon who has a good reputation and a good record dealing with vocal disorders like yours.

However, don’t get fooled if the operation is successful and your voice sounds that much better after it was performed.

Please remember that your, so to speak “instrument” had been fixed, but you, as the “player”, did not learn anything new with respect of the different application of your voice, so that your vocal problem would not reoccur ever again.

With that said, you still need to look for a qualified voice specialist who would teach you how to use your voice correctly, i.e., without any pain or strain on your vocal anatomy and how with the minimum effort, to be able to produce maximum desirable results.

Please also remember that the voice cannot be fixed on its own.

And the more time passes with respect to your voice remaining to be untreated, the more possibilities there will be for your voice never to be recovered, which (no doubts) could, God forbid, lead to a permanent voice loss!


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