
Showing posts with the label vocal Problem

Vocal Science™ - Strategic Response! Do you have a voice/vocal problem…? We have a strategic approach to rectify it.

We would identify the cause of your voice issues and then we will find the solution for the appropriate alternative/holistic treatment which, in the majority of cases, will lead to a desirable cure!! In February of 1984, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts was founded. Just over 7 years onward, it turned into The Royans Professional Vocal School , as we started to specialize in voice and vocals only. At that time, a lot of singers (and speakers, for that matter) successfully completed their programs with us and went on their merry way to their singing performances, public speaking careers, as well as to working in the media channels like radio and television. Then, evidently, life became much more stressful due to (at that time) an enormous demand on human skills. Like figure skaters and gymnasts, the singers and speakers started experiencing a lot of trauma caused by various injuries in their field. By the end of the 80’s, my own stress took over my lif

Voice Repair Article! Bleeding Polyp: Non-Surgical Treatment VS. Surgical Intervention!

Dear Reader, We would like to share some excerpts from the email that sometime (in the recent past) reached our office. However, due to privacy considerations, we would have to omit some personal details. This person (whose pictures you see above) was suggested and thus, underwent the vocal operation, as her vocal polyp was actually a serious bleeding one...  For those who suffer from a similar, or even the same voice disorder, we would like these sufferers to think twice before they choose invasive vocal surgery, which in the final analysis, could leave some scar tissue(s), whereas, at that point, it may not appear to be possible to be fixed non-surgically.  In fact, there are a lot of consequences that could be experienced during or after surgical interventions.  We had numerous clients with various voice disorders who came to us after the surgery was performed - and some of them hardly could speak, let alone sing… Please see the aforementioned email below: "Hi

Vocal Science™ Method: Welcome to our Voice Mechanics Repair Shop!

At The Royans Professional Vocal School /The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair , we naturally get a large number of inquiries related to voice/vocal problems, issues and disorders. The majority of people who actually inquire about our services truly believe that the problem with the voice is physical as, in their opinion, something must have gone wrong with their voice and the sound; and now, via speech therapy or a vocal operation, they believe that they will solve all of their voice problems and thus will sound the same as before…or even better. Unfortunately, only the minority of voice disorder sufferers do realize that conventional speech therapy, or even a vocal operation for that matter, would actually change anything… Due to the level of their intelligence, they do have the understanding that something went wrong with their vocal mechanics; which, nevertheless, have to be fixed and put back intact and, needless to say, back in balance. Easier said then do

Vocal Science™… Life With Voice! Strained Vocal Cords driven to such a disorder as Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)

Restoring and building tomorrow's healthy voices! "If you could do it alone, you would have done it already"   - States weight loss guru, Harvey Brooks. We totally agree with his statement and are more than willing to offer you a big help advocating and, thus employing our Vocal Science™ Method, which will greatly help you conquer all of your voice/vocal problem(s) – AND WE GAURENTEE THAT!! With that in mind, we have two very informative testimonials for your educational and reading pleasure. These testimonials speak for themselves. We really don’t have much to add, except; If anybody is interested in pursuing a Non-Surgical Voice Repair Course and Treatment with us,   we would be more than happy to explain the technical and overall scientific side of this very fascinating process of restoring one’s voice and reclaiming one’s life… with voice! Please see below. Davida F:   Manager, Partner Programs at End to End Networks - Strained Vocal Cords &a

“Speakaholics Anonymous”… What Do We Mean By That?

For many years, we have been attending to various people with speech problems, who were possessing some voice disorders like: Muscle Tension Dysphonia Spasmodic Dysphonia Polyps on the vocal cords Nodules on the vocal cords Cysts and lesions on the vocal cords Acid reflux & simply… strained vocal cords My answer to a question of "What do we mean by 'Speakaholics'?" would be to go ahead and beat all the bad vocal habits; and once it’s done, keep practicing (ongoing) the new adapted skills (instructed), the new adapted application of the speaking/singing voice, the new acquired diet/nutrition, newly acquired proper posture,  and  physical fitness in general. All of the above listed voice issues would cause the sufferer (to say the least) a hoarse and raspy voice, unclear enunciation and pronunciation and could even cause partial or total voice loss… Given all of the above described, these (listed above) and other voice problems suff

Once Vocally Impaired, Should They or Could They Continue Embarking Further on their Vocal Drive?

Nevertheless, I have been getting a lot of calls regarding the non-surgical voice repair program. The people who are inquiring are usually very desperate and very emotional, which is quite understandable. They're pleading for help and, at the glance, appear that they would do anything that would be required from them; would drop everything and anything (including their vocal and voice performances) and would rush to Toronto to fix their voices in order to continue their performances, recordings and whichever other careers which are directly connected to their voices' health and their overall well being. Some of them are diagnosed, some of them not yet, and some of them are hiding their diagnosis (to my dismay...) But what is more surprising is that a lot of them are till singing (more like faking) and thus being in denial, while at the same time, their singing (and voices in general) and quite compromised! Go figure! They are actually singing on their nodules and p

Voice Repair: Speaking and Singing – How One Affects the Other

Some singers who come to me for non-surgical voice repair are not necessarily the professional singers. Which means, that a lot of them have a daytime job or even their own businesses.  Some of the professions require speaking on the phone all day, running meetings, doing presentations, and what not.  After an 8-hour workday, the part-time singers would rush to their band rehearsal or even to an outright performance.  Perhaps being vocally very talented but not, per se, knowing about the proper application of their voice, they put the enormous pressure on their vocal anatomy. So let’s examine that: They use their speaking voice excessively during the working day and then even more intensely during the night through the late hours.  While they’re speaking at work, they primarily are doing it from the sitting position with a slouched back, thus drowning their voice onto the bottom of their throats and below.  They establish the low voice speaking habit.  Then they go

Why Do People, Who’s Lives Depend On Their Voice, Especially Their Singing Voice, Think That ENT Specialists Will Be Able To Conquer All Of Their Voice/Vocal Problems?

Getting all these inquiries, it never ceases to amaze me that (especially) singers rely on ENT specialists to treat and cure their singing voices...! The majority of the ENT’s (or speech therapists for that matter) never sung a note in their lives. And if so, how in the world are they going to restore your singing voice and teach you a proper vocal technique - so that you would comply with the standards of singing (let alone, professional singing) and never would ruin your voice ever again? The majority of people are thinking, when something happens to their voice and they cannot speak or sing the way they used to, that the answer to that will lie at the ENT doctor’s office. Granted they could get some diagnosis (unfortunately, not always accurate) and the ENT specialists may give a suggestion for the invasive surgical intervention. There will be no other treatment, let along cure, provided. And that I can tell you, with absolute certainty. If it was otherwise, I, most likely, w

Vocal “Prosthetics” - What Do We Mean By That?

Alternative Approach To Speaking and Singing Voice Mechanics. We are getting a lot of inquiries from people who suffer from various voice/vocal disorders. They are suffering from vocal issues such as: nodules, polyps, lesions, cysts, papillomas, paralyzed vocal cords and many other vocal problems. Naturally, some people want to resolve their vocal cord growth non-surgically ; and this is definitely the right thing to do. However, the majority of them outright presume that the minute they start adapting the new mechanics of the voice, combined with the natural herbal treatment, their growth will magically disappear, and moreover, in the nick of time nevertheless. Yes, in more light conditions like, for example: pre-nodules or very small nodules/polyps, etc., they do disappear in a reasonably short time. The fact is that once the voice is lifted off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords, it is no longer rubbing off of those cords; and once the appropriate herbal remed

Non-Surgical Voice Repair. Attention Vocalists, Producers and Managers!

Artists: Save your voice . Producers: Have an easier role with the well-trained artist who will not lose their voice during the production. Managers: Save time, money and aggravation by your artists not cancelling their performances, tours and other appearances. Let’s look at the recent related events: Singer, Mariah Carey , who has recently been on tour in Japan, was embarrassing herself while literally losing her voice on stage singing off key and not reaching any of the high notes. Obviously, she needs some sort of voice repair before it will become irreparable. Also, people who loved and cherished her before are now deeply disappointed and even some of them are quite annoyed, as she definitely has not lived up to their expectations. So this is the question. Why, neither her or more so, her manager, do nothing about it? Are they waiting for the time where a vocal operation will be inevitable? Why bring it to that dr