Vocal Science™: Suffering from Voice Problems or the Vocal Issues?

Feeling uncertain, anxious, scared and even hopeless? WE CAN HELP! When a sudden voice problem or vocal issue occurs, the person becomes quite confused (not understanding what had just happened with their speaking and/or singing voice and why their voice became not only raspy and hoarse, but also their throat had gone on fire with a lot of pain...). Nevertheless, the sufferer also begins to experience not only a lot of pain in the throat, but also experience severe tightness in their neck - to the point that the person would actually be reluctant to speak at all... What is happening…?! Why is it happening?! They have been exclaiming in their minds! These people have been desperately searching for answers!! But, apparently, it is not as easy as it sounds! They urgently ran to their family doctor and of course, those sufferers had gotten a referral to see an ENT specialist and even to do acupuncture. However, they still haven’t received any definitive d...