
Showing posts with the label throat pain

Vocal Science™: Suffering from Voice Problems or the Vocal Issues?

Feeling uncertain, anxious, scared and even hopeless?  WE CAN HELP! When a sudden voice problem or vocal issue occurs, the person becomes quite confused (not understanding what had just happened with their speaking and/or singing voice and why their voice became not only raspy and hoarse, but also their throat had gone on fire with a lot of pain...).  Nevertheless, the sufferer also begins to experience not only a lot of pain in the throat, but also experience severe tightness in their neck - to the point that the person would actually be reluctant to speak at all... What is happening…?! Why is it happening?!  They have been exclaiming in their minds! These people have been desperately searching for answers!! But, apparently, it is not as easy as it sounds! They urgently ran to their family doctor and of course, those sufferers had gotten a referral to see an ENT specialist and even to do acupuncture.  However, they still haven’t received any definitive d...

Voice Repair Case Study: Strained Vocal Cords, Vocal Fatigue, Throat Pain, Hoarse and Raspy Voice…

This is a case study of Ashok N - Former Non-Surgical Voice Repair Client of South Africa: Ashok N, of Indian descent, came to us from South Africa in 2008. We were actually supposed to receive this wonderful, smart and educated man in 2005.  In order to come to us, Ashok applied for two visas, in which his wife and son were included - one was for the UK and the other one was for Toronto, Canada.   Due to the fact that he included his family, he was refused both visas - and only ended up with us three years later and finally arrived at our office and studio in December of 2008. On this note, we suggest to everybody who comes to us from India, Malaysia, Australia, and other Non-Western countries to travel alone and not to make a family vacation out of these travels.  This way, your Visa to us is more likely to be granted without delays, turbulence and tribulations Ashok actually owned and operated three companies (and definitely was not planning to defect to Canada)...

Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia  What Do You Need to Know and (Needless to Say) to be Aware Of?

Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define significant change in the sound of one’s voice - usually due to the muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort via excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box, can be indicating signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder - MTD. Needless to say, muscle tension dysphonia disorder inhibits the sufferer from using their natural voice. MTD can easily develop, for example; due to some infectious diseases like laryngitis and can also remain to be even after the swelling of the vocal cords subsided. It can also be caused by stress, therefore potentially causing co-occurring voice problems. However, this kind of dysphonia may occur on its own, identified as primary MTD - or it may occur as a result of other underlying disorders, known as secondary MTD. What are the symptoms of this kind of dysphonia? Muscle tension dysphonia generally causes the voice to sound rough, hoarse, raspy, weak, breathy...

Vocal Science: How can acid reflux affect the quality of your voice?

Would you consider yourself someone who uses their voice a great deal? Are you a professional singer, a professional voice artist or someone that uses their voice at work more than usual? If yes, then you know that your voice is a very important tool/resource that needs to be protected; and if used incorrectly or abused, your voice can be susceptible to all kinds of traumas. Some symptoms of certain vocal problems, disorders or traumas can include a hoarse voice , excessive throat clearing, thick buildup of mucus in the throat, coughing, trouble in swallowing, trouble breathing, etc. All these symptoms will definitely affect your voice. It may very well even effect the quality of your life!  Some other voice/vocal abnormalities may include changes in pitch and also the volume of your voice. It may also cause vocal fatigue, breaks (or cracks) in your voice while speaking or singing… And nevertheless, you also may experience difficulty being heard in noisy environments when you...

Why Vocal Science? Because… Nothing Is Science.

Evidently, there are a lot of ways to get into vocal problems, but there is only one way to get out of them. And that is by utilizing the Vocal Science ™ method –, proper speaking and singing voice application and The Unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair approach. The components of the Vocal Science™ technique have been scientifically researched for nearly four decades. In this instance, the sound has been treated as a physical material body. Since, nevertheless, any physical material entity travels in circular direction, the sound itself travels in the same pattern. When we are talking about a human being producing sound , the sound will travel in circular direction, (relatively, respectively and prospectively to the person’s height of the body and the width of the body), which will be consistent with the circumference of the circle. The Vocal Science method is totally congruent with the laws of physics and geometry.   As we speak now, in Boston US, there are the bes...