Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia  What Do You Need to Know and (Needless to Say) to be Aware Of?

Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define significant change in the sound of one’s voice - usually due to the muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort via excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box, can be indicating signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder - MTD. Needless to say, muscle tension dysphonia disorder inhibits the sufferer from using their natural voice. MTD can easily develop, for example; due to some infectious diseases like laryngitis and can also remain to be even after the swelling of the vocal cords subsided. It can also be caused by stress, therefore potentially causing co-occurring voice problems. However, this kind of dysphonia may occur on its own, identified as primary MTD - or it may occur as a result of other underlying disorders, known as secondary MTD.

What are the symptoms of this kind of dysphonia?

Muscle tension dysphonia generally causes the voice to sound rough, hoarse, raspy, weak, breathy, airy, squeezed, tight or tense. Some of the other symptoms include:
  • A weak or airy voice

  • Sudden breaks or fading of the voice 

  • A neck that is tender or sore to the touch 

  • Loss of vocal range when singing 

  • Feeling the need to clear the throat often 

  • The feeling of a lump in the throat

How do we naturally and alternatively treat muscle tension dysphonia?

Using a unique voice/vocal instruction (Vocal Science™ method) geared towards voice restoration combined with the application of natural herbs and remedies (applied directly onto the vocal box) is the best natural and holistic approach of dealing with muscle tension dysphonia, as well as with many other various voice disorder issues.

This is a little information on the herbal remedies which we are using in our voice repair sessions: 
The above-described remedies will help you:
  • Oxygenate and disinfect your vocal anatomy
  • Get rid of excess mucous and excess gastric acid from your vocal anatomy and your body overall
  • Boost your immune system and get more comfort (vocally speaking) and, nevertheless, significantly improve your health
  • Also, we would like to point out that a few of those herbal remedies strongly serve as natural antibiotics
In short: These remedies will help you a great deal to eliminate nasty symptoms associated with your voice disorder.

However, speaking of the mechanical side of things - our unique approach to voice mechanics (Vocal Science™ Method) will help you to achieve the goal of your voice restoration and enhancement via “lifting” the sound of the voice (so to speak) off of the vocal box (using specially designed speech and, if needed, singing exercises) while achieving restructuring of the sound into the facial muscles (sinus cavities); and then, concurrently, employing those facial muscles to work in full conjunction and coordination with the sufferer’s abdominal muscles. 

Those actions described above will naturally amplify the human voice; thus allow the true voice to be heard without compromise. It will also minimize the harmful use of the sufferer’s throat, larynx and vocal cords. It will, concurrently, be able to eliminate pain and, needless to say, strain during the use of the vocal anatomy altogether.

If you are suffering from the above-mentioned symptoms of such a disorder like muscle tension dysphonia and are seeking professional help, please contact The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair: | 416-857-8741

Vocal Science - The Best In Voice Repair & Enhancement


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