
Showing posts with the label Damaged Voice

Part 2 - Your Doctors said that “You will never have your voice back to normal ever again.” We said… “TRY US!”

Vernon (left) - Brenda (Middle) Diana (Right) Completeion of 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair. - Case Study #2: Brenda Mooers of Calgary, Alberta Canada - Brenda arrived to our establishment on November 1st 2018. She is a 51 year old woman who has been going through hormonal changes. Sometime prior to inquiring about our services, Brenda went to a medical doctor and presented her problem to him. Her doctor prescribed testosterone needles, which had to be administered to Brenda by her husband on an everyday basis. But… incidentally, the doctor prescribed a triple dose of the latter (3 milligrams instead of 0.3 milligrams). Moreover, this very doctor never ordered a blood test to detect the exact amount of testosterone she would actually need (if any…?). So our doomed client diligently followed her doctor’s wrong instructions and suddenly discovered that her voice tone dropped 3 levels below her normal voice; and at that lower level position, her voice started to crack an...

Vocal Science: How can acid reflux affect the quality of your voice?

Would you consider yourself someone who uses their voice a great deal? Are you a professional singer, a professional voice artist or someone that uses their voice at work more than usual? If yes, then you know that your voice is a very important tool/resource that needs to be protected; and if used incorrectly or abused, your voice can be susceptible to all kinds of traumas. Some symptoms of certain vocal problems, disorders or traumas can include a hoarse voice , excessive throat clearing, thick buildup of mucus in the throat, coughing, trouble in swallowing, trouble breathing, etc. All these symptoms will definitely affect your voice. It may very well even effect the quality of your life!  Some other voice/vocal abnormalities may include changes in pitch and also the volume of your voice. It may also cause vocal fatigue, breaks (or cracks) in your voice while speaking or singing… And nevertheless, you also may experience difficulty being heard in noisy environments when you...

Vocal Science: Do you really think you would be able to fix your vocal problem by yourself?

The answer is: Dealing with something serious like that cannot be self-served. Nevertheless, one of the commercials on weight loss for men says: “If you could do it alone, you would’ve done it already.” -  Harvey Brooker Indeed, but some people still think that if they knew the diagnosis and somewhat (in theory) how it could be treated, they would have attempted fixing their vocal issues by themselves… The fact is that any voice problem, by definition, is already an internal problem; and thus, has to be treated very seriously and by a  qualified voice specialist . The work with a  damaged voice  is usually very detailed and very intense, which applies to both sides: The injured client and the voice repair specialist. Without the guidance of a highly qualified professional, it is virtually impossible for the sufferer to lift their voice and re-channel it into the different set of muscles altogether; and on top of that, put those muscles (facial ...

Vocalscience ™ Method - The Alternative Approach to Speaking and Singing.

We often hear the saying, “ you are what you eat”. I can also, with absolute certainty, say that you are what you speak and sing. How so, you may ask? With the holistic approach in mind, I should mention that the voice (in my definition) is an expression of who you are and identification of the state of your being. The voice is a very important tool for communication. When you speak with the person, by his/her voice tone, you can determine the person’s mood and even the state of the person’s health; especially if you are at least somewhat familiar with that person. On that note, I could say that when I work with the Voice Repair client and get their voice 'out of their throat' by restructuring it to the facial and abdominal muscles, the person starts sounding completely different, i.e., the voice starts to sound much healthier, more vibrant, more colorful and more reflective of the actual person’s make-up. The sound becomes much clearer ...