
Showing posts with the label vocal health

Vocal Science: The One Stop Voice Repair Shop!

What do we mean by the above? Let us explain: The voice repair process, by itself, is very complex. And if not approached holistically, it most likely will not produce any meaningful results with respect of the voice-issue(s).  The fact is that if the vocal problem had been induced only by lack of the proper voice/vocal technique, then the treatment and restoration of the voice will be (pretty much) straight forward.  If the voice issues had also been caused by emotional distress and/or by  neurological disorder(s), then the treatment (at first) will be more on the holistic/physiological and emotional side; and only then it will be focused on the actual voice restoration. Some of our clients (especially at the beginning of their Journey) require a lot of emotional support. Without which, sometimes, a voice treatment, as well as “installation” of the proper voice/vocal “mechanism", is virtually impossible.  Quite a large percentage of those people e...

Voice Disorders - Prevention and Treatments

When I reached Canada in 1980 and almost right from the start began teaching voice (speaking and singing), I noticed that, in general, nobody per say paid attention to the way they were speaking/singing or, for that matter, even conducting a proper posture while trying to deliver a message. Some of them, while speaking, were literally falling backwards, arching their upper back to the wall behind them, rather than to me standing right in front of them. Needless to say that by doing that, they were throwing their speech backwards and the voice would be falling to the back of their vocal cords, which is quite deadly for the vocal health . Nevertheless, the words were coming out slurred and un-pronounced; thus, their enunciation was quite poor. A lot of them were complaining of dry and/or full of mucous throats. Some of them were complaining of the actual pain and discomfort in their vocal boxes. Today, 33 years later, the problems still persist. The difference is that I am not s...

Vocal Science: All Voice - No Pain! ("All V - No P").

Not only a great amount of people are losing voices these days, but also a lot of them are experiencing severe pain in their throats. Before, we had complaints, primarily from singers; but more and more, just regular people (speakers) are complaining on extreme discomfort in their vocal box in general.  The singers are usually ruining their vocal anatomy simply for the lack of education and simple knowledge; and thus, lack of the proper vocal technique. They very often end up with laryngitis , i.e., with the hoarse and raspy voice ; not to mention an extreme pain in their throats. The singers (also very often) end up with the growth on their vocal cord(s); such as polyps, nodules, cysts and etc.   The regular people who do not take proper care of their voice and (in majority of times) their health in general, usually end up with muscle tension dysphonia or spasmodic dysphonia .  Nevertheless, they (of course) are also susceptible to the growth on thei...

The Royans Institute For Non-Surgical Voice Repair - Vocal Science™ Program - “Where Exclusive Is Always Inclusive!”

In this blog, in the wake of the New Year, we would like to shed more light on our very exclusive services for speakers, singers and those who are in need of non-surgical voice repair.   On February the 15 th , we will be celebrating 40 years of our existence via The Royans Professional Vocal School and The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair  (Since 1984).  Over these years, we have been improving not only our professional skills, but also our business acumen and conduct. Not only do we provide our clients with very professional and very unique (in its nature) instruction, but we also provide, when needed, natural herbal and homeopathic treatments along with it. By now, it is a very well-known fact that we are in a league of our own. We are receiving clients from all over the Universe and, by the end of 2024, the estimated amount of clients (speakers, singers, voice repair patients combined) has, no doubt, exceeded 30,000 and counting!   We ha...

Vocal Science: We make your voice make sense!

What do we mean by that? Firstly, any person should possess a healthy voice which is also consistent with the persons' height, weight and the their inner ‘make-up’ in general. Sometimes, and luckily not too often, you can see a quite petite woman, but yet hear her heavy and 'bassy' voice. A good example would be two well-known actresses (one of whom is also a singer). The singer/actress is Miley Cyrus and the other actress is Julia Stiles - pretty girls that are speaking with much heavier voices then their physiques would ever suggest.  We, in fact, at The Royans Professional Vocal School , would be able to get rid of the heaviness and thickness of their quite-low voices. If they (or them alike) embraced the Vocal Science technique, their voices would be lifted off of their (somewhat) heavy and thick vocal cords, which were given to them at birth. The thicker the vocal cords are, the lower voice will prevail. And, on the contrary, if the person poss...

Vocal Science – Health With Voice! Asthma Anyone?

Believe it or not, asthma disorder could be very much connected to a voice disorder , due to improper breathing. If the asthma sufferer is not aware of his/her breathing patterns, it could very easily effect their voice, as the throat, at the time, becomes very dry, and also the use of the medicated puffers will dry out one’s throat in no time. One way to help the asthma sufferers with their asthma disorder and, if needed, their damaged voice, is (first of all) to teach them proper breathing, which will immensely help the sufferers with asthma symptoms during the attacks; and concurrently, due to the lift of voice off of the lower and upper respiratory system, the voice healing will be enhanced by the virtue fact that it had gotten removed from the infected area. Now let’s talk about breathing exercises : I usually do not work with clients on just breathing; it always connected to the speaking/singing sounds, syllables and vowels. The objective here ...

My Voice Is Gone And My Throat Hurts. What Could I Do?

One day, you wake up and you notice that suddenly, your voice is not the same as it normally is. You think to yourself; "maybe, its just morning raspiness and it will go away later in the day".  Five (or more) days pass and you realize that your voice is not getting any better.  It’s actually getting worse with every word you try to convey. On top of that, your throat feels like it is on fire and it has been burning severely. So, by now, you have come to the realization that something is definitely wrong there… Your  voice feels weak, and on top of that, it sounds raspy and hoarse . “What could I do to make it better” you ask yourself in desperation? Of course, right away, you turn to the “all reliable internet" for answers to your vocal dilemma, and find out that all of their “answers” are just generic explanation websites which, at most times, do not lead you to the best diagnosis and/or treatments. Now, you are lost completely and totally unaware ...