
Showing posts with the label your voice

Vocal Science - Attention Throat Cancer Survivors!

Had Your Voice Been Compromised Due To The Above? Unfortunately, after being diagnosed with such a nasty disease like throat cancer and then, as a consequence, having to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments, the voice could be very easily compromised and the vocal anatomy could also end up damaged.  The medical doctors, in this case, are usually trying to convince their patients to be grateful that they survived (never mind their damaged voice or anything else which ended up being damaged for that matter).   They usually say: “ Be grateful that you are alive and don’t worry about your voice ”. It’s easy for them to say, but the person who use to speak (or even sing) with a normal voice, feels quite inadequate, as he/she has a communication breakdown via a raspy/hoarse voice , or sometimes, even no voice at all. Nevertheless, that person is affected with everyday life challenges, not to mention work challenges and… even the loss of the la...

“Brace Yourself For Impact” - Survive The “Crash”… Reclaim Your Life via Non-Surgical Voice Repair Forensic Science!

For some people, the loss of their voice is equivalent (God forbid) to a plane crash, and evidently... nonetheless!  Obviously, those people would feel lost and confused, as (in most of the cases) they are not even aware of what exactly happened to them and their voice for that matter, and mainly... why? Therefore, and no wonder, those people are desperately looking for answers. Most singers usually can intuitively and predominantly feel that some voice problems may be "coming their way"; but the regular people who have lost their speaking voice, almost literally experience the “crash of their lives”, as their communication with their inner and (needless to say) outer world, had become significantly compromised.  Obviously, in the case of voice loss, the ultimate goal would be the recovery and restoration of the speaking voice and, when needed, the singing voice as well. However, it is easier said than done... If, on top of everything else, the recovery and re...

Voice Disorders - Prevention and Treatments

When I reached Canada in 1980 and almost right from the start began teaching voice (speaking and singing), I noticed that, in general, nobody per say paid attention to the way they were speaking/singing or, for that matter, even conducting a proper posture while trying to deliver a message. Some of them, while speaking, were literally falling backwards, arching their upper back to the wall behind them, rather than to me standing right in front of them. Needless to say that by doing that, they were throwing their speech backwards and the voice would be falling to the back of their vocal cords, which is quite deadly for the vocal health . Nevertheless, the words were coming out slurred and un-pronounced; thus, their enunciation was quite poor. A lot of them were complaining of dry and/or full of mucous throats. Some of them were complaining of the actual pain and discomfort in their vocal boxes. Today, 33 years later, the problems still persist. The difference is that I am not s...

Vocal Science - "Fifty Shades" Of Voice: What Do We Mean By This?

What we mean by this is that the human voice possesses a ‘rainbow of colours’, so to speak. It also possesses different varieties of voice performance .  Singers always say that sometimes they really have ‘good days’ with their voice, i.e., their voice obeying their commands and give them the right tonality, bright tone and perfect pitch; whereas some other times, they refer to the ‘bad days’, i.e., when the voice sounds dark in tone and the pitch and projection also suffer. Objectively, the latter, in this case, depends on the mood of a singer, the weather and, perhaps, the personal circumstances prevailing the performance.  All of the above is somewhat good, but wouldn’t it be even better if the singer did not depend on the outer factors; but would mostly depend on the professional training and proper vocal technique, pertaining to the vocal performances and studio recordings.  After all, we are talking about the human being and the human voice h...

If you are unable (for whichever reason) to fly to Canada, we will fly to you...

What do we mean by that statement?   Given the political situation nowadays, we have decided to increase our travel regime to our clients.  Of course, we have done it before when clients were requesting us to do so. Now we are coming to you, (our potential clients), and are offering it to you outright to save you the hassle of traveling to a foreign country and, concurrently, to give you an opportunity to pursue your everyday routines with your children/parents, spouses and, if needed, work. We also understand that with the advisory being issued for international air travel, it became a little scary for some of our potential clients. We, (operating under the “Royans Universe”), feel quite safe to travel to you to fix your voice . So if the fear of terrorism is preventing you from traveling to us, (nevertheless, for a very good deed – to conquer your voice problems ), we are more than willing to come to you to solve all of your voice issue...