Vocal Science: The Forensic Science…

We are practicing alternative internal medicine while advocating the assurance of the best speaking/singing voice & nevertheless, non-surgical voice repair. We Got This!! Firstly , you, my reader, may wonder why we call Vocal Science the forensic science? We do so because we are paying a great attention to the minutest details while working on the human voice (speaking or singing - damaged or not). With our specially-designed speech and singing exercises, we build a, so to speak, “hurricane-proof” foundation for the future “house” to “stand on” and to be “built upon”… Evidently, broken or not, and first of all the speaking voice (before the singing voice, if required to be worked on) has to be put in balance along with the person’s physical body, mind, and nevertheless the motor skills. To achieve the desired result while building the proper voice application (ultimate voice/vocal technique), especially with respect to the voice res...