Voice Repair Case Study: Strained Vocal Cords, Vocal Fatigue, Throat Pain, Hoarse and Raspy Voice…

This is a case study of Ashok N - Former Non-Surgical Voice Repair Client of South Africa: Ashok N, of Indian descent, came to us from South Africa in 2008. We were actually supposed to receive this wonderful, smart and educated man in 2005. In order to come to us, Ashok applied for two visas, in which his wife and son were included - one was for the UK and the other one was for Toronto, Canada. Due to the fact that he included his family, he was refused both visas - and only ended up with us three years later and finally arrived at our office and studio in December of 2008. On this note, we suggest to everybody who comes to us from India, Malaysia, Australia, and other Non-Western countries to travel alone and not to make a family vacation out of these travels. This way, your Visa to us is more likely to be granted without delays, turbulence and tribulations Ashok actually owned and operated three companies (and definitely was not planning to defect to Canada)...