Vocal Science, Voice Repairs and Relationships… How do they Correlate between each other?

Just several days ago, I have celebrated the 40 th Anniversary of what was once called, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts. In 1987, the school changed its name and profile and became the world-renowned, The Royans Professional Vocal School , specializing in singing, speech and non-surgical voice repair . So generally speaking, the school henceforth specialized primarily in voice, and in whichever shape or form it does reflect the identity of a specific human being and defines the state of one's being. To date, the estimated amount of students and clients who went through our doors is over 30,000 people. I could sense their personalities. Therefore, I could simply guess the state of their relationships with their parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses and even just friends. Also, I could see how all of the above affects a person's state of (vocal) being. In fact, the voice is the hardest "instrument" to power... Even on an everyday basi...