
Showing posts from July, 2019

From New Zealand to Toronto - Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia Case - Progress Report!

Upon completion of 50 hours of instruction and treatment, we would like to bring to your attention a testimonial, provided to us by Tanya G - Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder sufferer from New Zealand. This testimonial contains a dialogue between Diana Yampolsky and Tanya. - Please see below - Tanya: My name is Tanya G and I had been diagnosed with the Adductor Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder.   I came all the way from New Zealand, which took 26 hours to fly to Toronto. As of today, I had done 50 hours of instruction for my voice recovery and the process of it has been very difficult, to say the least. But I have gotten the “tools” to go home with to work hard and bring my voice to where I want it to be. Diana: Was it worth the flight?   Tanya: Yes, it definitely was. Diana: - However, your expectations were for a full recovery within those 50 hours; as you understand now yourself, it was not possible to achieve the full voice recovery in

Attention Spasmodic Dysphonia Sufferers: We can assure you that there is hope for a full recovery of your voice - in most cases!

Please read below the synopsis of our present voice repair client and SD sufferer, Tanya G. We have just received a client suffering from the Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder . She came to us (just 4 days ago) from another side of the planet - New Zealand! We’ve learned that it took her over 22 hours to fly to us - to Toronto, Canada. To date, Tanya, under my thorough guidance, completed 20 hours of a very intense voice instruction coupled with a natural herbal treatment. In my estimate, our client’s Spasmodic Dysphonia disorder originally was determined to be between stage 1 and even possibly 2. In my previous blog about the same voice matter, I specified that in “my books”, this very nasty voice disorder possesses 4 stages, whereas the stage 3 and 4 could be somewhat treatable, but usually never curable (at least to my knowledge and experience). Tanya and I are working very hard, executing very detailed instructions (bringing it almost to forensic science)… The pr

Voice Repair or Human Being Repair…? That is the Question.

- Holistic approach to a person as a whole - Case study of our present student of Indian descent. G.B is our present student - a male of 27 years of age.  5 years ago, he came to Toronto from India to become a student in one of our colleges to take a business program. Prior to that, he attended a college in India (computer engineering) and successfully graduated from both programs - in India and in Toronto, Canada. You would think, my reader, that with two colleges under his belt, so to speak, he would be now a successful employee or even an employer of any of the companies/businesses of his choice. However, instead of the latter, he ended up being employed here in Toronto as a truck driver… Why? - you, my reader, may ask. My answer ( given 16 hours of my work with him to date ) would be: Somewhat voice delivery problem, Pretty heavy accent. And, nonetheless… overall insecurity. Let’s examine why he enrolled in our program which is called “ The Total Communic