Vocal Science - Holistic Approach (Part II): How could it help adults to open up and deal with stuffed-up emotions?

*Mind, body and soul... and your voice* In 1984, we have opened the school, which was originally named: The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts . Almost right from the start, we have enrolled over 100 students, consisting of children, teenagers and adults. After my partner (the second Royan) had passed away in 1986, a year after, (in 1987), I changed the name of the school and it became well known as The Royans Professional Vocal School . And at that time, the school became primarily an adult vocal school and children became a minority. However, we always have been working with teenagers and young adults, developing their talents for the music industry at large. Nevertheless though, working primarily with adults, provided me with a lot of experience and education concerning North American mentality. Being an educator by trade and a very inquisitive person by nature, I have been tuning in to those adults who allowed me to get themselves under my care;...