Why Vocal Science? Because… Nothing Is Science.
Evidently, there are a lot of ways to get into vocal problems, but there is only one way to get out of them. And that is by utilizing the Vocal Science ™ method –, proper speaking and singing voice application and The Unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair approach. The components of the Vocal Science™ technique have been scientifically researched for nearly four decades. In this instance, the sound has been treated as a physical material body. Since, nevertheless, any physical material entity travels in circular direction, the sound itself travels in the same pattern. When we are talking about a human being producing sound , the sound will travel in circular direction, (relatively, respectively and prospectively to the person’s height of the body and the width of the body), which will be consistent with the circumference of the circle. The Vocal Science method is totally congruent with the laws of physics and geometry. As we speak now, in Boston US, there are the bes...