The Vocal Science™ Method is No Doubt “Sweat and Drench Workout of the Body”… But it is “Music” for the Mind, Soul and Voice.

I am sure, my readers, that you, most likely, are puzzled by the very intriguing title of this blog. What do we mean by “sweat and drench workout of the body”, you may ask? I have explained in numerous publications that the Vocal Science™ method is a very unique and holistic approach to voice mechanics and the human being as a whole. The physiology and anatomy of one’s physical makeup, in this instance, is literally treated as a person’s “instrument” (in a manner of speaking). Any musical instrument (before the player attempts to extract its maximum capacity) has to be tuned and has to be, so to speak, intact, to say the least. Unfortunately, the majority of our clients do not come to our organization with "very sound" physical bodies; I.e., some of them are not at all fit and practically unable to “walk and chew the gum at the same time”, figuratively speaking. To restore someone's voice and put it back to balance, takes an enormo...