Vocal Science - We Are Doers and Not Just Talkers!

To whom it may concern - a personal message from Diana Yampolsky : We are doers and not just talkers! In these trying times, we should not only connect with each other but should also express care for each other. We, at The Royans Professional Vocal School, nonetheless, provide unprecedented care for our past, present and future clients; and, in return, we require their full understanding, commitment, loyalty and compliance! "It takes two to tango" and it requires "give and take" respect between all parties involved. Please keep the above in mind and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly . Desire and deserve! We are looking forward to meeting you in person soon!! Sincerely Diana Yampolsky. _____________________ Indeed, we soon will be receiving new and repeat clients from the US and will be hoping that they will meet all of our requirements and in return, they will receive our unprecedented care, knowle...