
Showing posts with the label love your voice

Non-Surgical Voice Repair – What Does It Begin With And What Does It Entail?

Any Non-Surgical Voice Repair starts with voice/vocal, physical, mental and definitely emotional assessment. Being a voice repair specialist for much over 3 and half decades, I could, with absolute certainty say, that all the above-indicated aspects of the human being behavior, are definitely have to be addressed. There is no voice repair process I could start without assessing not only just the voice/vocal problem, but the shape and form of the physical body which defines, so to speak, an “instrument” and the rest of the components, such as mental and emotional, would define a “player” in this instance. The voice usually is never the cause. The cause of the vocal disorder lies far beneath. There are a lot of factors (many of them from the deep past) that could lead to the voice issues. Let’s take, for example, the physical aspect of it – If the person’s diet, for the longest time, had consisted of a lot of dairy, fatty, creamy and mucous-f...

Vocal Science: Love Your Voice – Love Yourself!!!

This Holiday season, we wish you the best of voice and the best of health and prosperity for this upcoming New Year, and always! For the last 42 years, I have worked on a lot of voices; fixing them, restoring them, or just turning amateur speakers and singers into professionals . I have noticed that, o ver the last decade, the attitude of all of those people who were seeking my services ha s vastly changed. Before 2005, people in general were happy-go-lucky, so to speak. They were gladly making commitments to work on their voices (to whichever degree it was needed), gladly kept their appointments and happily paid for our professional services . Needless to say that, in the past, the music scene in Toronto was pretty much thriving and was attracting a lot of wannabe singers. There were a lot of bands formed at H igh Sch ools and even M iddle S chools, let alone Universities. Those guys and girls had a goal in mind; they wanted to become well-known singers/perform...

Vocal Science™: "Vocaholics" Anonymous - Get "Sober"... Reinvigorate Your Voice!!

Some time ago, after 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair, speaking and singing instruction and herbal treatment, we said goodbye to our New York client, John Polanco.  With his permission, we would like to share his story with you, our readers.   Ever since he was a young boy, John had a real passion for singing. He discovered that singing, especially in his native language (Spanish) made him very happy and thus, he felt very joyous.  He began to sing with friends at parties and by himself. Many people (his musician friends included) were giving him advice on how to sing better. He had carefully listened to them and tried to adapt all of the new "techniques" they were suggesting him to employ. He was also imitating all of the famous and not-so-famous Spanish singers and he loved doing it, until he noticed that his voice did not perform the same anymore. He tried to push and pull his voice until he could not do it any longer....