Non-Surgical Voice Repair – What Does It Begin With And What Does It Entail?
Any Non-Surgical Voice Repair starts with voice/vocal, physical, mental and definitely emotional assessment. Being a voice repair specialist for much over 3 and half decades, I could, with absolute certainty say, that all the above-indicated aspects of the human being behavior, are definitely have to be addressed. There is no voice repair process I could start without assessing not only just the voice/vocal problem, but the shape and form of the physical body which defines, so to speak, an “instrument” and the rest of the components, such as mental and emotional, would define a “player” in this instance. The voice usually is never the cause. The cause of the vocal disorder lies far beneath. There are a lot of factors (many of them from the deep past) that could lead to the voice issues. Let’s take, for example, the physical aspect of it – If the person’s diet, for the longest time, had consisted of a lot of dairy, fatty, creamy and mucous-f...