The benefits of alternative speech therapy for post-stroke survivors.

A stroke is one of the most harmful experiences an individual can experience. When they happen, strokes will often cause temporary or permanent paralysis (nerve damage) to one or both sides of the human body. Sometimes, speech, memory, balance, cognition, and vision may also be affected. In addition, muscle spasms and pain are some of the most common issues that are associated with stroke. These issues often cause stroke survivors difficulties with respect of managing their daily tasks - like bathing and dressing. Therefore, it may be challenging for them to continue to manage the daily roles in their lives. One of the more serious complications of a stroke tends to be the difficulty in communication, which indeed causes difficulty with respect to talking with others. It is known that about 25 to 40% of stroke patients suffer from aphasia - a disorder that impairs one's ability to process language and their ability to speak. Aphasia also makes it challenging for a stroke su...