What Is the Nature and also the Cause of Spasmodic Dysphonia? Case Studies:

Is Spasmodic Dysphonia always the cause of a spasming and/ or generally-malfunctioning voice, or could it be just multiple - and very nasty - symptoms induced by the injury(s) occurred within the vocal anatomy? Over many years, I have been tending to numerous of people with the diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) . I would like (down the road) to present to you (my reader) several cases with different causes, treatments and outcomes after all of the above: About the latest case of Tanya G, you already know in general that Tanya came to us to Toronto, Canada all the way from New Zealand in hopes of the complete recovery of her voice from her Abductor SD. Let’s examine what the very specific instruction and treatment process actually entailed and whether or not it was possible to achieve a complete cure of a generally-incurable voice disorder within only 50 hours of instruction and treatment. In a nutshell, below is Tanya’s story: Tanya told me that before such occur...