
Showing posts with the label vocal coaches

Why are vocal students (former and present) of well-renowned vocal coaches keeping "close relationships” with their renowned ENT Doctors?

My answer(s) and point of view was inspired by a news article from CBC News | Entertainment, titled:  " What's robbing Adele, Céline Dion and more singers of their voices " ( here is a link to that article )  However, to start elaborating on the above editorial, I would like to bring to your attention a comment by my former voice repair student, presently singing student under my vocal care - Mary Ellen Stoll of  Brockville, Ontario . Please read below and get her point of view on the above-mentioned article. I believe that she said pretty much all of what needed to be said: _______________ “Hello Eli: I listen to and enjoy your reporting on CBC all the time.  I also listened with great interest to your report on what's robbing singers of their voices. I have a very strong and personal interest in this topic and thought I might share some of my story with you, as a way of rounding out the perspective on the coverage. Forty y...

Whole Lotta Fakin’ (And Shakin’ too) Going On…

"Does It Smell In Here? A look at the current state of the speaking, coaching and consulting industry." by Larry Winget and Randy Pennington: (Click  HERE  to see the article.) - Our article is inspired by the one above - - I have been consulting, teaching, coaching and repairing voices close to four decades now. All previous years, being true to my cause, I kept saying to people that I did not think that I had any competition with respect of what I have been doing for many years… At least, that’s what I thought at the time.  I knew that I was producing unprecedented results with respect to the voice work; and to my knowledge, nobody at all (of those who had similar claims of success) could live up to my level of results, expertise and experience. Then came the internet… and now it is in full bloom! All of a sudden, everybody is a  voice/vocal coach   and even a  voice repair specialist …? A lot of them, I have never...