
Showing posts with the label Diagnosis

The Vocal Science™ Method: Non-Surgical Approach - Holistic Diagnostics.

Natural and Alternative Treatments and Rehabilitation for most Voice Problems, Vocal Issues and Voice Disorders. Over 36 years, the estimated amount of speech/singing students and voice repair clients who passed through our doors is now over 25,000 and counting... Lately, though, our business, which once was mostly known for its professional voice/vocal coaching, became 90 percent about Non-Surgical Voice Repair . Why is that; you, my reader, may ask? Because people nowadays became extremely stressed, thus totally out of balance; and moreover, effected by losing their employment, their trade, their purpose in life and, given all of the above, their relationships and marriages, to put it mildly. Due to all of these, those people (in general) acquire a dysfunctional thyroid - which, in holistic teaching, represents suppressed emotions….  Also,   some of them, due to anger they’ve adopted because of the unforeseen situations, developed a problem with their l...