You Call Yourself a Professional Singer or Speaker... Let’s Find Out If You Can Live Up to that Definition...

So you call yourself, let's say, a professional singer… yes, you have been performing for quite a few years on different stages, small and even not-so-small. You even happened to impersonate some known artists like Elvis, Tom Jones, Frank Sinatra and etc. But then, you all of a sudden discover that your voice no longer performs like it used to….? Some of you suddenly realized that you actually lost your high range, some of you started to sound hoarse & raspy, or even (to your big surprise), developed a serious voice/vocal condition which could be Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD), even Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD), not to mention Nodules, Polyps, Lesions, or even Cysts .... Then, in the above-described situation(s), you were probably driven to find us - The Royans Professional Vocal School, a Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair (Since 1984). Then we, by default, became acquainted via email, phone, WhatsApp and whatnot… A lot of our potential clients, aft...