Non-Surgical Voice Repair

Do you find your voice feels sore the day after a performance? Got Nodules? Are you worried you might be losing your voice? Have you already lost it? Considering surgery? STOP!!! WE CAN HELP!!! 

We specialize in Non-Surgical Voice Repair and Post-Surgical Traumas. Whatever your vocal problems are we can solve it through the use of our revolutionary vocal technique, specially designed speech and singing exercises and natural herbal remedies. We are the WORLD's only non-surgical / non-conventional voice repair specialists! If you are having voice problems, have a voice disorder, are considering surgery, or experiencing post-surgery trauma and want to learn how to insure the health, strength and safety of your voice FOR LIFE, please contact us. Our unique and revolutionary Voice Repair program will not only repair your voice and your vocal box, it will also teach you how to use your voice correctly according to the standards of professional speaking/singing, so that your vocal problems will never be am issue again and we guarantee it! 

We are proud to announce that we are now affiliated with a world-renowned Doctor of ENT from Russia who is practicing holistic and homeopathic methods of treatment here in Toronto, Canada. An exclusive visit and consultation with this highly qualified professional is now included as a bonus in our Non-Surgical Voice Repair Program. 

For more information, visit

Click here to read Voice Repair Case Studies and Client Testimonials 

Information on Specific Voice Problems:
Related Articles:
Voice Repair for the Vocal Disorder of Unnaturally High or Low Pitched Voices for both genders
During puberty (especially with the male gender) some voices do not separate from the childhood voice and both voices become conjoined just like Siamese twins. This results in an adult voice that usually sounds weak and unnaturally high-pitched and "squeaky". Our unique approach to voice mechanics can correct this voice problem by lifting the given voice off of the vocal chords and restructuring and placing it into the facial muscles which then will be put to work in the fullest conjunction and coordination with the abdominal muscles, thus establishing the natural tone and intonation congruent to the gender, age, height and weight of the person. If the voice is too high for the male, this technique will create a lower base for the now naturally supported, structured, and placed voice. If the voice is too low for a female, this technique will work in reverse and also will balance the voice according to the above mentioned parameters.

Voice sessions are provided in a fully equipped studio using a video camera and audio equipment. 

We are world renowned voice repair specialists. If you are having vocal problems, have a vocal disorder and/or are considering surgery, please Contact Us.

Copyright© 4 A.M. Talent Development & Artist Management Group Inc.

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