
Showing posts with the label Alternative Voice Specialist

Spasmodic Dysphonia - The cause... The cure? Is it possible?

Lately, more and more inquiries I get are from people who suffer from a very nasty "voice disorder" called spasmodic dysphonia (SD) . In a real sense, it's not per se just a voice disorder - it can also be a neurological disorder, whereas the symptoms of the above-described, produce uncontrollable voice spasms. Below is the story of my female client (64 years old) from Missouri USA. She was diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia disorder and naturally thought that something just incidentally happened to her voice...? She was diagnosed by an ENT specialist, but was never advised what she could do about her voice condition. When I got her and her husband on the phone, I naturally started to ask them questions with respect to how and when that happened and of course, if they could think of anything that could have triggered that condition. They both replied that their lives were pretty much free of stress and they couldn't see or think of any possible cause of that disorder ...

Vocal Surgeries: One of them, Unfortunately, Resulted in a Death on the Operating Table...

Hello my readers, We have a couple of stories to run by you; This is one of them: She came first to me for the introductory/exploratory session and had a polyp on one of her vocal cords. Her profession was a real-estate agent and she definitely needed her voice to speak to the clients on an everyday basis. Her voice, meanwhile, became really raspy and hoarse… So she definitely was looking for a quick fix, so to speak and, in the final analysis, she chose a vocal operation. Her ENT doctor told her not to worry about it and assured her that the operation is really simple and would not take more than 10-15 minutes. “It will be just ‘Snip-Snap’ procedure,” he told her with absolute confidence. Going back to my session with her whereas her sister was present there as well, I offered her a 30-hour voice repair course, coupled with a natural herbal and some homeopathic treatment. This type, of course, I am capable to deliver within 6 consecutive days. Evidently, that was not fast enough for h...

Vocal Science™ Separated, divorced, feeling lonely...? This Is A Riddle.

  Vocal Science™ Separated, divorced, feeling lonely...? This Is A Riddle. Feel like it is hard to speak and to even swallow? Feels like you have a lump in your throat? We can help, and not only with your voice being strangled but also with the stuffed-up emotions you have been experiencing due to the above! We promise that we will take care of you, holistically speaking… Rest assured, help is on the way and we are more than happy to guarantee you that! For quite a few years now, I have been working with a lot of middle-aged women primarily age 45 to 65; the majority of whom were separated or outright divorced from their spouses… The most affected (vocally and otherwise) were those women who did not expect it at all… Their spouses made it financially (not without their wives’ help). And due to that, they had acquired the power of wealth and some “mostly-fake” status.  On that premise, shortly after, they left their wives and children to stat a newly-found life with a new, youn...

Suffering from voice loss and are in need of a viable solution to get it back in a fast and efficient manner? We are here to help!

Are you, by any chance, suffering from abnormal changes in your voice like for example; Hoarseness, raspiness or even a total voice loss? At first, you may think that you're fighting with a cold or flu, or perhaps you may think that it’s due to the fact that you sang your heart out at a concert or cheered too loudly for your favourite player at a football game. And, if so, then, (hypothetically speaking), due to those actions, you are now paying the price with a sore throat or even, parhaps, laryngitis  - a type of inflammation in your voice box that makes your voice scratchy or hoarse, which can also be a cause of a lost voice, God forbid! Laryngitis can be short-term endeavour or become chronic. Most often (if it's not chronic), it does not last for longer than a couple of weeks.  Laryngitis (occurance of which is quite common during cold and flu season) is caused when the voice box becomes inflamed. In fact, if the inflammation gets into the vocal box lini...