
Showing posts with the label vocal injury

What Is the Nature and also the Cause of Spasmodic Dysphonia? Case Studies:

Is Spasmodic Dysphonia always the cause of a spasming and/ or generally-malfunctioning voice, or could it be just multiple - and very nasty - symptoms induced by the injury(s) occurred within the vocal anatomy? Over many years, I have been tending to numerous of people with the diagnosis of Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD) . I would like (down the road) to present to you (my reader) several cases with different causes, treatments and outcomes after all of the above: About the latest case of Tanya G, you already know in general that Tanya came to us to Toronto, Canada all the way from New Zealand in hopes of the complete recovery of her voice from her Abductor SD. Let’s examine what the very specific instruction and treatment process actually entailed and whether or not it was possible to achieve a complete cure of a generally-incurable voice disorder within only 50 hours of instruction and treatment. In a nutshell, below is Tanya’s story: Tanya told me that before such occur...

Vocal Cord Paralysis - What Could Be The Causes & How To Deal With Them?

Vocal cord paralysis, also known as the vocal cord paresis, is the inability of one or both vocal cords to move. It can greatly impact the daily life of the sufferer, including, job, social interactions and leisure time activities. The condition is caused by damage to nerves going to the vocal cords-the nerve impulses in the larynx are interrupted, resulting in the paralysis of the vocal cord muscles. Patients with vocal paralysis typically experience hoarseness, vocal fatigue, mild to a severe reduction in speech volume, a pain in the throat when speaking, and swallowing things down the wrong way and choking. Signs and symptoms of vocal cord paralysis include: • Changes to the voice • Hoarseness • Noisy Breathing • Changes to vocal pitch • Coughs that do not clear the throat properly • Voice volume may be affected Treatment for vocal cord paralysis The treatment for vocal cord paralysis depends on several factors, including what caused it, how severe the ...

3 Signs Which Indicate Certain Vocal Cord(s) Injuries and Voice/Vocal Disorders

Almost anyone, at one time or the other, experiences hoarseness, or even loss of voice due to the occurrence of various circumstances. Some of the causes of hoarseness could be due to the common cold, exposure to high volumes of sound in a concert or even simply cheering for your favorite team at a sports event. While these conditions can temporarily compromise one’s vocal cords, with some needed care, (such as vocal rest and proper hydration) it can actually be recovered in a reasonably short time. There are certain times where people are not able to decipher the problem(s) with their voice which they are experiencing. With that said, it is important to have an awareness of the most common disorders, and how to rectify them, in order to avoid long-term or even permanent damage. Here are the major signs that demand immediate attention followed by proper care: 1) Persistent hoarseness or voice changes : Hoarseness is a general term that includes a wide range of abnormal voice...

Vocal Science: People With Voice/Vocal Injuries. Are They Afraid To Face Their Horrible Past?

Lately, we have received (in our studio/clinic) a fair amount of people with various voice/vocal injuries caused by numerous forms of accidents. Some of them even had been in a coma for a number of months and their relatives were advised that they may never come out of it; and thus will continue their existence in a vegetative state… Thank God, some of them proved the doctors wrong and did come out not only from their coma, but even stood up and walked (almost on their own) from out of their wheelchairs… and, nevertheless, on their own two feet! How remarkable is that?  It is indeed! No doubt, those people went through a lot! On this note, it is easy to assume that they are real “troopers” and definitely, needless to say, survivors. Unfortunately, for many of them, outside of other physical challenges, their voice became an issue. Some of them literally lost the ability to talk at all or to talk normally. The conventional doctors, speech therapists and pathologists ...

Vocal Science: Fix your Voice and Experience "Shocking” (So To Speak) Side Effects!

To find out what they are, Please Read On... Due to this digital and very chemically polluted world, we are receiving more and more inquiries about various vocal disorders which people experience on a day by day basis.  Our fruits and vegetables are chemically altered and our chickens (for example) are double-sized, due to be fed and raised with hormones and antibiotics.  All of the above weakens our immune systems and makes us susceptible to all kinds of diseases; and unfortunately, cancer is one of them. Almost on an everyday basis, we are hearing about peoples’ thyroids being removed (usually due to cancer); and then, as a result of that, one (or even both) vocal cords  become paralyzed ! Also, people who have their regular diets consisting of a lot of fat, mucus and acids, could get a problem with the excess of gastric acid in their bodies, which could produce what’s called acid reflux; and which, in turn, may burn ones’ vocal cords and (on top of it) res...

Attention Vocally Injured! Lose Your Vocal Injuries and Become “The Biggest Loser”!

Regain your voice and your confidence back!   Your voice… desired and deserved!   More and more professional artists end up with the vocal injuries . Nearly every week, we hear that various concerts and tours have been canceled and the lead singers (either a soloist or band lead singer) just about to undergo a vocal cord surgery . How sad is that? Sad indeed!   Why does it happen and why it happens to so many artists? Is it because they are overworked and over-stressed? I think that definitely the above are the factors.  However, if their technical merit of their singing had been intact, less tragedies and cancellations of their performances would take place. So, human being puzzle (in a manner of speaking), like any puzzle, has many components and pieces, which have to fall into the right places. Those singers’ lifestyles, naturally, are very active and filled with a lot of appearances, interviews and performances. Due...