Vocal Science™ - Voice Restoration and Life-Altering Experience!

When people inquire about their speaking or singing voice restoration, they think only about their voice and nothing else which could be related to the latter. They do not realize that the voice is an essential part of their anatomy and a very important tool for communication (speaking or singing). However, there are by far more benefits (in this case) to non-surgical voice repair then just the voice itself. Those regular people (non-singers) who have speech problems, usually come to our studio/clinic completely (by my definition) out-of-balance - Mentally, physically, emotionally and, of course, vocally. They possess a lot of problems and on every conceivable level: Some have problems with weight - either too skinny or, on the contrary, with quite excessive body mass. Some of them possess bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug use and other unhealthy addictions. Needless to say, they are not only physically unfit, but, nevertheless, menta...