
Showing posts with the label voice problems

Could Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) Transform into Spasmodic Dysphonia (SD)?

Yes, it could! I, my reader, would like to introduce you to some stories that we had come across. In the year 2014, I got an e-mail from a person who said that she had been diagnosed with Muscle Tension Dysphonia . In that e-mail, she said that her speaking voice was quite compromised and that she was seeking help in that regard.  As usual, I responded and asked her to give me a call so that I could hear her voice - and would know what I would potentially be dealing with in order to help her to the best of my knowledge. She had never called; thus it was left up in the air… In the year 2015, I got yet another e-mail from her, reminding me that we had already communicated (via e-mail) a year ago. In this e-mail, she was revealing that now, her Muscle Tension Dysphonia had turned into Spasmodic Dysphonia. She also warned me that her speaking voice got exponentially worse. I have an extremely good memory, and I could recall right away who she was. So right from ...

The Vocal Science™ Method: Non-Surgical Approach - Holistic Diagnostics.

Natural and Alternative Treatments and Rehabilitation for most Voice Problems, Vocal Issues and Voice Disorders. Over 36 years, the estimated amount of speech/singing students and voice repair clients who passed through our doors is now over 25,000 and counting... Lately, though, our business, which once was mostly known for its professional voice/vocal coaching, became 90 percent about Non-Surgical Voice Repair . Why is that; you, my reader, may ask? Because people nowadays became extremely stressed, thus totally out of balance; and moreover, effected by losing their employment, their trade, their purpose in life and, given all of the above, their relationships and marriages, to put it mildly. Due to all of these, those people (in general) acquire a dysfunctional thyroid - which, in holistic teaching, represents suppressed emotions….  Also,   some of them, due to anger they’ve adopted because of the unforeseen situations, developed a problem with their l...

Suffering from voice loss and are in need of a viable solution to get it back in a fast and efficient manner? We are here to help!

Are you, by any chance, suffering from abnormal changes in your voice like for example; Hoarseness, raspiness or even a total voice loss? At first, you may think that you're fighting with a cold or flu, or perhaps you may think that it’s due to the fact that you sang your heart out at a concert or cheered too loudly for your favourite player at a football game. And, if so, then, (hypothetically speaking), due to those actions, you are now paying the price with a sore throat or even, parhaps, laryngitis  - a type of inflammation in your voice box that makes your voice scratchy or hoarse, which can also be a cause of a lost voice, God forbid! Laryngitis can be short-term endeavour or become chronic. Most often (if it's not chronic), it does not last for longer than a couple of weeks.  Laryngitis (occurance of which is quite common during cold and flu season) is caused when the voice box becomes inflamed. In fact, if the inflammation gets into the vocal box lini...

Vocal Science™ - Wondering who we are & what we do…?

- We are NOT doctors… We, in fact, are practicing alternative and holistic methods applicable to nearly all human health problems, while closely specializing in the Non-Surgical Voice Repair field. - We are Natural Practitioners with holistic approach to voice /vocal mechanics; and while working on the mechanics of the voice we are also employing natural herbal and some mild homeopathic remedies to heal the actual vocal anatomy and, in particular, the disturbed flora of the throat. - Once the voice (given the proper voice application achieved via specially designed - by me -  voice exercises) is lifted off of the vocal box and structured and placed in an alternative set of muscles (facial cavities), those remedies will work that much more efficiently and the whole process will help the voice disorder sufferer to not only regain their voice, but also achieve the best possible health and nevertheless quality of their newly-found voice. - For example:  ...

Vocal Science™ - Voice Restoration and Life-Altering Experience!

When people inquire about their speaking or singing voice restoration, they think only about their voice and nothing else which could be related to the latter.  They do not realize that the voice is an essential part of their anatomy and a very important tool for communication (speaking or singing).  However, there are by far more benefits (in this case) to non-surgical voice repair then just the voice itself. Those regular people (non-singers) who have speech problems, usually come to our studio/clinic completely (by my definition) out-of-balance - Mentally, physically, emotionally and, of course, vocally. They possess a lot of problems and on every conceivable level:   Some have problems with weight - either too skinny or, on the contrary,   with quite excessive body mass. Some of them possess bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug use and other unhealthy addictions. Needless to say, they are not only physically unfit, but, nevertheless, menta...

“Speakaholics Anonymous”… What Do We Mean By That?

For many years, we have been attending to various people with speech problems, who were possessing some voice disorders like: Muscle Tension Dysphonia Spasmodic Dysphonia Polyps on the vocal cords Nodules on the vocal cords Cysts and lesions on the vocal cords Acid reflux & simply… strained vocal cords My answer to a question of "What do we mean by 'Speakaholics'?" would be to go ahead and beat all the bad vocal habits; and once it’s done, keep practicing (ongoing) the new adapted skills (instructed), the new adapted application of the speaking/singing voice, the new acquired diet/nutrition, newly acquired proper posture,  and  physical fitness in general. All of the above listed voice issues would cause the sufferer (to say the least) a hoarse and raspy voice, unclear enunciation and pronunciation and could even cause partial or total voice loss… Given all of the above described, these (listed above) and other voice problems suff...

What is the Difference Between Voice Problems (Voice Disorders) & Speech Problems (Speech Impediment)?

For the last 2 and a half decades, we are more and more treating voice problems and also, sometimes, quite serious speech problems – the identification of which is  speech impediment. What is the difference between the two described above, you, my reader, may ask? There is definitely a difference between speaking voice problems (which are usually much easier to correct, as they are caused by a wrong application of one’s voice), and a speech impediment.  The former may cause voice disorders like: • Muscle Tension Dysphonia • Spasmodic Dysphonia • Vocal Cord Nodules, Polyps, Lesions, etc. As for a speech impediment, it is usually either some kind of a birth defect, (which directly effects the manner of the person’s speaking) or it is a consequence of some other diseases; like for example, stroke (pre or post condition) ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or the aftermath of any kind of accident occurrence. In the latter, the speech center of one’s brain ma...

Vocal Science: Vocal Surgery. You have done it! Now what?

Will you be in  need of anything else for that matter?  For over many years of my Non-Surgical Voice Repair practice, I have been personally answering numerous emails and phone calls with all sorts of inquiries with regards to people possessing various voice/vocal problems.   Some of them had been already diagnosed with a voice/vocal disorder; others knew that they had speech or singing problems but still were not certain how they acquired them and what exactly they were. And the other category of people had already undergone a vocal surgery. The latter category of people, at first, were very happy, as they thought that all of their voice/vocal problems had been solved once and for all. And yes, they felt better (some of them, but not all of them) and thought that, after surgical intervention, they could speak or sing better then ever. However, in a shorter (or even longer) while, they began to notice that their voice started to gradually deteriorate again and ...

Vocal Science: Were You Involved In A Car Accident, Or Any Other Accident Of Sorts? Had Your Voice/Vocal Anatomy Ended Up Compromised In Any Way, Shape Or Form?

If so, we can help to restore your speaking and/or singing voice! Fix your voice, regain your voice and maintain your voice for a lifetime! - This is our motto! More often then before, we are getting inquiries from people who (at one time or another) had been involved in some kind of an accident; and due to that fact, their voices (and vocal anatomy in general) ended up being severely injured. Most common, of course, are automobile accidents; but there are also work-related accidents, bicycle accidents, slip and fall accidents and pedestrian-related accidents.      In our roster of voice repair clients, we had a person who, due to the bicycle accident, fell with his throat right onto the handlebars; and thus damaged some parts of his vocal box. We also had a person who was working on a construction site and, somehow, the electric saw fell DIRECTLY ON HIS THROAT…, in this case, the cut happened to be on one of the vocal cords. We ...

Did You Need To Fix Your Voice Or Learn How To Speak/Sing Properly….Yesterday?

Well, yesterday is gone… but today is still (hopefully) not too late!  However, you yourself may think that the recovery of your voice (after you waited for so long), could not even be on the radar… but please think again. We definitely can help! And not only in the restoration of your damaged or lost voice, but we can also help by teaching you how to speak and sing up to (nevertheless) a professional level. We will make sure that we will repair your voice and that you will regain and maintain your voice for life! We have people who come to us from all over the world with all kinds of voice/vocal problems. Some of them had been medically diagnosed and some of them had not been, but those of them - especially with diagnosis, never revealed those diagnosis or told us anything at all until their actual arrival to our studio/clinic. Either way, by advocating our very own V ocal Science(TM) Method and technique , we make sure that all of our voice repair clients im...