The Vocal Science™ Method: Non-Surgical Approach - Holistic Diagnostics.

Natural and Alternative Treatments and Rehabilitation for most Voice Problems, Vocal Issues and Voice Disorders.

Over 36 years, the estimated amount of speech/singing students and voice repair clients who passed through our doors is now over 25,000 and counting... Lately, though, our business, which once was mostly known for its professional voice/vocal coaching, became 90 percent about Non-Surgical Voice Repair.

Why is that; you, my reader, may ask? Because people nowadays became extremely stressed, thus totally out of balance; and moreover, effected by losing their employment, their trade, their purpose in life and, given all of the above, their relationships and marriages, to put it mildly.

Due to all of these, those people (in general) acquire a dysfunctional thyroid - which, in holistic teaching, represents suppressed emotions…. Also,  some of them, due to anger they’ve adopted because of the unforeseen situations, developed a problem with their liver - which also (as known in holistic teaching) represents suppressed anger.

Many of those people also developed problems with their heart, as the heart, due to all of the problems systematically bombarding them, could no longer maintain its proper function. The fact is that all of the above may have been caused by what has been happening domestically and in the world at large.

To be able to survive such “turbulence and tribulations", those effected people became “locked-in” within themselves. They, unfortunately, became, so to speak, “digitized”; and thus their brains became somewhat “frozen” in a manner of speaking. Nevertheless, they have been heavily relying on digital media - and, as a consequence, they have been looking for “instant gratification”; and thus, for the immediate answers - regardless if such answers were presented to them “under the right or the wrong light”.

I have to say that in my long years of practice, I have never seen such completely (mentally, emotionally and even more so, physically) unfit people. They literally cannot “walk and chew the gum at the same time”… to save their lives! How pathetic is that..? As you, my reader, already know, the voice is the expression of who you are - and, nonetheless, the identification of the state of your being…

Now you probably can draw a picture in your mind what I have to deal with to put the described-above people back in balance - as if I don’t do that first, I will never be able to access their deeply-buried, damaged voice.

In Russia, we had a saying: “In a healthy body lives a healthy spirit”. And those of you who have read a lot of my previously-written blogs and articles (not to mention my two books),  already know that my definition of the human voice is equivalent to the definition of the human spirit So my duty is to discover and uncover your spirit, i.e., your voice, and then make it fly “with the ease of the Eagles” - and as high as to the Universe, where the sky is the limit…!

As you, my reader, could already guess, my very first duty is to collect all possible relevant history about the life of the voice repair client. Once I know all the facts and pinpoint the cause of such occurrence (various voice disorders, voice loss, etc), I can conduct what I call a holistic diagnosis. Then, and only then, I will achieve success with my very revolutionary Vocal Science™ method and its extremely unique voice/vocal technique - coupled with natural herbal and some homeopathic treatments.

With all of the described-above human problems, the voice mechanics of those effected people would be very-much-so prone to seizing… In such cases, I would need to teach the clients with voice issues a completely new application of their speaking and singing voice. Once we discover and uncover their compromised voice, we need to bring it to the surface - and then lift it off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords and larynx. However, easier said than done… I couple my vocal technique with certain body language and body movements.  It does require some walking (nonetheless on tippy toes) with the certain use of the arms. 

If you remember, my reader, nowadays, almost nobody can “walk and chew the gum at the same time”. So my main task (much before accessing the voice) is to establish a physical fitness and interconnect it with the mental/intellectual command.

So this is a schematic for you:
  • The brain gives the command to the motor skills, and then it accesses the voice as an outcome of the equation.
  • For a fact, If the correlation between all of those components is broken, the voice will never get intact.
  • We are also talking here about the alignment between the subconscious mind, conscious mind, physical body and, and a result, a healthy and vibrant voice.

In other words, it is an integration and synergy between the mental, emotional, physical and vocal components.

Nevertheless, I work with the client on a cellular level which, along with the mental, physical and emotional components, requires a kinaesthetic feel… With that said, intellectually, the client has to understand exactly what’s going on - and kinaesthetically, he/she will have to sense and feel the outcome of such action.…

It is definitely “not for the faint of heart”, as our prominent Toronto newspaper “The Toronto Star” once said. I agree that it is definitely a challenge; but, on the other hand, it does activate all of the human senses: mental, physical, emotional and, nevertheless, vocal parameters.

To conclude:
Needless to say, we are first and foremost working on the person as a whole in order to achieve the greater and (if I may say so myself) unprecedented results - using alternative methods while, concurrently, naturally and holistically solving various voice/vocal problems!


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