Vocal Science, Non-Surgical Voice Repair For All The Right Reasons… Think Outside Of The Box!

In a manner of speaking, this blog will be a perfect continuation of the previous blog named “ Voice And Vocal Problems… Out-Doctored And Out-Treated… What’s next? “. Indeed… What’ next? By the law of averages, the next best thing would be to look and find the alternative solution to any of your health or voice problems. After all, we are talking about your health; and not only your voice/vocal health, but your health in general. I always had said that the voice is a reflection of the state of your being and the identification of who you are. It is equivalent to your fingerprints, as they voice you possess is exclusively your property. You can acquire voice problems from all different causes and for all different reasons. One of them could indeed be connected to the state of your health in general. One of the most common reasons could be your thyroid problem, which itself is interconnected to your emotional state of being. According to ...