BREAKING NEWS! AEROSMITH Cancel Their Rescheduled Shows and thus, Apparently Retired from the Stage!
Steven Tyler and Aerosmith just announced that, due to his vocal cord damage being permanent (as determined by Doctors), he and Aersomith will now retire from touring and all subsidiary performances.

In September 2023, the well-known rock band (originally formed in the '70s) - "Aerosmith" announced that they were postponing their "Peace Out" Farewell Tour due to Steven Tyler damaging his Larynx.
Below please see our take on it at that time:
Not too long ago, we found out that Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had sustained a serious and extensive vocal injury, thus, being forced to postpone Aerosmith's 50th Anniversary/Farewell Tour.
He had been diagnosed by doctors with a fractured larynx and damaged vocal cords.
In fact, the damaged vocal cords can be quite treatable (especially from where we sit), but a broken larynx can be a more complicated issue...
Meanwhile, Steven himself and his band, are hoping to resume the above-mentioned tour in the very near future (September 2024).
We certainly would hope so if we did not know any better.
And believe us, we actually do know, especially after treating and instructing over 30,000 people being under our care, who went through our doors for all kinds of treatments for voice disorders and vocal injuries, since 1984.
Evidently, it is not that simple, as Steven Tyler's injury had happened not because of any problems with the vocal anatomy (at least not fully), but with problems of not a proper application of the singing voice - most likely driven by not properly embedded and nevertheless, adequate enough vocal technique.
If the above-described very important variables are not going to be addressed sooner after the injury occured (rather than later), past, present and future voice problems, unfortunately, will, most likely, still prevail.
Regardless, we wish Steven Tyler all the best and hope that he will be able to resume his 50th Anniversary/Farewell Tour as soon as possible and complete it, like always, with flying colours!
All the best to you Mr. Steven Tyler and we are hoping that your best is yet to come!
Unfortunately, by the looks of things, we were right and Steven Tyler's vocal issues prevailed, forcing him and his band Aerosmith (as a result) to retire from touring and performing on stage altogether.
This is a good example for all the singers, and even speakers to be aware about the health of their voice and before doing anything, embark on the proper adoption of the voice. i.e. proper voice/vocal technique.
It is only logical as, no figure skater or gymnast embarks on jumping triples axles or quads or performing on a balance beam, without extensive training, as they are aware that if they do not apply the proper technique and completely precise application of that technique, either on ice or the balance beam, they, nevertheless, may break their neck, leg and God knows what else - and in some cases, it may be beyond repair (beyond the point of no return).
So our readers, please do not take anything for granted and do not think that you are invincible.
Nobody is...!!
Not too long ago, we found out that Steven Tyler of Aerosmith had sustained a serious and extensive vocal injury, thus, being forced to postpone Aerosmith's 50th Anniversary/Farewell Tour.
He had been diagnosed by doctors with a fractured larynx and damaged vocal cords.
In fact, the damaged vocal cords can be quite treatable (especially from where we sit), but a broken larynx can be a more complicated issue...
Meanwhile, Steven himself and his band, are hoping to resume the above-mentioned tour in the very near future (September 2024).
We certainly would hope so if we did not know any better.
And believe us, we actually do know, especially after treating and instructing over 30,000 people being under our care, who went through our doors for all kinds of treatments for voice disorders and vocal injuries, since 1984.
Evidently, it is not that simple, as Steven Tyler's injury had happened not because of any problems with the vocal anatomy (at least not fully), but with problems of not a proper application of the singing voice - most likely driven by not properly embedded and nevertheless, adequate enough vocal technique.
If the above-described very important variables are not going to be addressed sooner after the injury occured (rather than later), past, present and future voice problems, unfortunately, will, most likely, still prevail.
Regardless, we wish Steven Tyler all the best and hope that he will be able to resume his 50th Anniversary/Farewell Tour as soon as possible and complete it, like always, with flying colours!
All the best to you Mr. Steven Tyler and we are hoping that your best is yet to come!
Unfortunately, by the looks of things, we were right and Steven Tyler's vocal issues prevailed, forcing him and his band Aerosmith (as a result) to retire from touring and performing on stage altogether.
This is a good example for all the singers, and even speakers to be aware about the health of their voice and before doing anything, embark on the proper adoption of the voice. i.e. proper voice/vocal technique.
It is only logical as, no figure skater or gymnast embarks on jumping triples axles or quads or performing on a balance beam, without extensive training, as they are aware that if they do not apply the proper technique and completely precise application of that technique, either on ice or the balance beam, they, nevertheless, may break their neck, leg and God knows what else - and in some cases, it may be beyond repair (beyond the point of no return).
So our readers, please do not take anything for granted and do not think that you are invincible.
Nobody is...!!
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