Vocal Science™: "Vocaholics" Anonymous - Get "Sober"... Reinvigorate Your Voice!!

Some time ago, after 30 hours of non-surgical voice repair, speaking and singing instruction and herbal treatment, we said goodbye to our New York client, John Polanco.  With his permission, we would like to share his story with you, our readers. 

Ever since he was a young boy, John had a real passion for singing. He discovered that singing, especially in his native language (Spanish) made him very happy and thus, he felt very joyous. 

He began to sing with friends at parties and by himself. Many people (his musician friends included) were giving him advice on how to sing better. He had carefully listened to them and tried to adapt all of the new "techniques" they were suggesting him to employ.

He was also imitating all of the famous and not-so-famous Spanish singers and he loved doing it, until he noticed that his voice did not perform the same anymore. He tried to push and pull his voice until he could not do it any longer. 

That was 20 years ago and he decided to pack it in. Moreover, his family was not supportive of his singing at all. And then, on top of it, 5 years ago, John got severely injured at work. He had become physically disabled on many levels. Needless to say, since then, he also (understandably so) became not himself - angry and depressed.

On that premise, trying to come out of depression, he remembered one thing that used to make him happy... And That Was His Ability To SING!
And now, searching on the Internet for singing lessons for his granddaughter, he, by fluke, stumbled upon our website

When he looked at our site and read the content, his decision was made to come to Canada to fix and rejuvenate his voice, I.e. to regain his happiness and zest for life again.

Throughout the 30-hour course, there were a lot of emotions and tears shed during the process, especially when we started to work on the (what was dear to him) Spanish songs.
During the instruction of some of the songs, he had become very emotional... Thus I was practically unable to continue my instruction utilizing those songs.
I had to find the songs in English and In Spanish, which John was not personally attached to.

Then, after 30 hours of undertaking a non-surgical voice repair course coupled with natural herbal treatment (powered by the Vocal Science™ Method and its very unique voice/vocal technique), John gave us his feedback.
Below you can find how John expressed his feelings after struggling with physical, emotional and vocal strain:

“I don't feel the pain in my throat anymore (like before).  Obviously, when in the past I placed the notes in the wrong places, my throat felt scratchy and very constricted. After all, I had a nodule on my vocal cord for many years. Now I can feel and hear the difference, therefore I can manage it without any pain in my throat. So, it's a big gap - a big difference! And now, before I even start talking, in fact now I feel that I can manage avoiding putting the pressure on my throat. Another thing is now I have been learning where the sound has to go. Before all of this, I had no idea where the sound or where the air had to go to even produce the sound. I know now that when the sound is placed in the wrong area, I feel that I have been forcing with strong pressure not only my vocal cords, but my whole vocal anatomy. Now, when the sound goes to the right place, I feel completely relieved and can hear my voice being beautiful and clean. It has a much wider, stronger and definitely more solid sound.”

“This is like I have a brand new voice! I did not have this type of voice for a while! I do not remember having a voice like that! 
Ms. Diana is the best you could have as a teacher to cure your voice as she did with me."

Doesn’t that sound like a happy ending? Yes, it does… However, with a little twist...:

John, upon arriving back home, contacted us, thanked us immensely and said that, unfortunately, he would have to "choose" his wife’s wishes to never sing again and, nevertheless, to come back to us to continue his vocal journey...



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