Vocal Science, Voice Repairs and Relationships… How do they Correlate between each other?

Just several days ago, I have celebrated the 40th Anniversary of what was once called, The Royans School for the Musical Performing Arts.

In 1987, the school changed its name and profile and became the world-renowned, The Royans Professional Vocal School, specializing in singing, speech and non-surgical voice repair.
So generally speaking, the school henceforth specialized primarily in voice, and in whichever shape or form it does reflect the identity of a specific human being and defines the state of one's being.

To date, the estimated amount of students and clients who went through our doors is over 30,000 people.
I could sense their personalities.
Therefore, I could simply guess the state of their relationships with their parents, boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses and even just friends.
Also, I could see how all of the above affects a person's state of (vocal) being. 
In fact, the voice is the hardest "instrument" to power...

Even on an everyday basis, the person who did not sleep well or, so to speak, woke up on the wrong side of the bed, might not be coherently speaking or wonderfully singing, for that matter, in the upcoming day.

The tone, brightness, pronunciation, annunciation, and whichever other qualities belonging to the voice, will be definitely affected (even by the change of the weather)… 

I have a lot of couples, especially the “baby boomers” kind, coming for singing and especially for voice repair sessions.

Those couples that have a harmonious and balanced relationship usually have less trouble with anything with whatever they are doing.
 They, indeed, support each other intellectually and emotionally and that makes it easier for them to overcome even a significant voice repair (of whichever kind). 

Needless to say, it is much easier to work with people of that kind (from where I sit).

Sometimes though, one spouse or their children could cause some voice problems.
As most of them, are primarily emotionally induced, and thus, they have the tendency to manifest in the physical body.
Obviously, when they travel to me, it concerns their voice and vocal abilities.
Given all of the above, my advice to my readers would be to avoid stressful situations and confrontations with the person you are in any sort of relationship with.
That will help you to avoid not only any kind of voice problems, but also any other health-related problems.

For instance, in 2021, the Canadian Government opened all small and big businesses so that people were able to access us (mainly local) and still take their sessions and obtain some natural herbs and remedies.
Guess what, my reader? 
9 out of 10 (all females) people who came were divorcees and all of them had what's called Spasmodic Dysphonia. 
How sad is that? 
Obviously, it was emotionally induced as some of them were left by their husbands, primarily for younger women and it was very hard for them to "swallow" (figuratively and otherwise speaking...).
That's why they came, firstly, to relieve their emotional distress, and secondly to fix their voice and other related damages. 

So, if you do feel that all of the “collisions” are unavoidable, my advice would be to become “selfish” and take care of yourself, using whichever means necessary.





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