“Brace Yourself For Impact” - Survive The “Crash”… Reclaim Your Life via Non-Surgical Voice Repair Forensic Science!

For some people, the loss of their voice is equivalent (God forbid) to a plane crash, and evidently... nonetheless! Obviously, those people would feel lost and confused, as (in most of the cases) they are not even aware of what exactly happened to them and their voice for that matter, and mainly... why?

Therefore, and no wonder, those people are desperately looking for answers.

Most singers usually can intuitively and predominantly feel that some voice problems may be "coming their way"; but the regular people who have lost their speaking voice, almost literally experience the “crash of their lives”, as their communication with their inner and (needless to say) outer world, had become significantly compromised. 

Obviously, in the case of voice loss, the ultimate goal would be the recovery and restoration of the speaking voice and, when needed, the singing voice as well. However, it is easier said than done...
If, on top of everything else, the recovery and restoration of the voice is done surgically, there could be their own consequences ahead... 

Some surgeons suggest post-surgical speech therapy; but unfortunately, in most cases, it does not work. Those speech therapists, yet again, continue to work on the “instrument” and never address the actual application of the voice (the mechanics) - for the speaking and especially singing voice. Those therapists are making their post-surgical trauma patients do nonsensical lip trills, blow into a Kazoo and blow some bubbles… Nevertheless, they are assuring their traumatized clients that those voice manipulations will help them to acquire their previously healthy voice for speaking and, (believe it or not), also singing… and moreover, at a level that it will be as good, or even better than before…? Go figure!

I guess, singing, in this instance, is not even up for discussion; and definitely “not even on the radar”, in a manner of speaking. It is a known fact that the majority of those speech therapists or pathologists had never before sung a note in their lives. Then the question is how in the world could they help singers to restore their singing voice? They, however, assure the used-to-be singers that their totally irrelevant speech exercises will help those troubled singers to somehow “magically” (and obviously not scientifically) regain their singing voice and moreover, 'auto-magically' will, somehow, know how to use it… 
How 'whimsical' can that be...? 

The speech exercises offered by speech therapists and speech pathologists are producing nothing but harm, whereas while the patient is executing those exercises, they actually induce the patient’s already-dry throat to an even higher level of dryness, which evidently, slows down the healing process of the vocal anatomy. Unless the right application of the speaking and/or singing voice is properly employed, no voice will work as good as before; and most likely, the damage which took place to begin with, will be recurring over and over again... 

However, restoring the voice properly and most importantly non-surgically, is definitely “not a picnic” for both sides - the provider (the alternative voice health practitioner) and the patient. Therefore, if your decision is to avoid surgical interference, then you, in that case, will really have to “brace for impact”.

The Non-Surgical Voice Repair is definitely not for the faint of heart…

The process of non-surgical voice repair is a very detailed, and thus, very intense endeavour where the voice repair client has to work literally on every syllable and every vowel of the word which, in turn, will help the practitioner to instill in the client the wholesome voice mechanism. 
Thus, in the final analysis, this wholesome and very safe mechanism will allow the voice (speaking and/or singing) to work in the fullest capacity possible and then, needless to say, execute the sound safely while concurrently there will be no pain or strain experienced whatsoever by the client on their vocal anatomy.

Now the pressure of the sound has been removed from the vocal anatomy… and the alternative muscles (facial muscles) have to be able to accept and harbour the physical sound within those muscles. The upper back muscles and abdominal muscles also have to be strengthened in order to be able to support the lifted sound properly while assuring the sound’s height, width and thus, the actual “body” (fullness) of the voice. 

So for those with speaking voice problems, it’s only half the ordeal. For singers, (after the speaking voice is restored) there is the next level awaiting for them to embark upon… Now, when the voice is healthier, then the proper tone, pitch and volume can be established. At this point, we have to take care of the “player”.

Also, we have to take into consideration the actual music part of it.

The fact is that any song does consist of certain combinations of sounds, duration and pitch, i.e., intervals. Any song of any style could possess a variety of those combinations… After all of those combinations are examined and exercised, the time is to talk about the situations where they may and will exist. 

So once you are familiar with all possible combinations of sounds, duration and pitch…and the situations where they may and could possibly exist, you will become the owner of your voice...!

So, in this instance, we certainly hope that you will survive the “crash” and, most definitely not only regain your old life, but embrace a healthy new, enhanced life ahead!


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