Vocal Science™ Proper Diagnostics and Natural Treatments: Holistic Approach to Voice Mechanics and the Person as a Whole...
The above-mentioned specific diagnostics require a certain set of skills to first diagnose (to find the cause of the problem) and then treat (especially), the most complicated voice disorders like MTD (Muscle Tension Dysphonia), and more so, SD (Spasmodic Dysphonia). Needless to say, it is also applicable to many other very complicated voice disorders alike. We treat them naturally (non-surgically) and, nevertheless, alternatively while employing a holistic approach to vocal mechanics and, nevertheless, the person as a whole!
As it appears to be, for a vocal disorder like muscle tension dysphonia (MTD), the only thing the speech therapists/pathologists are able to offer to the sufferer is a neck massage - which, nonetheless, is a totally useless procedure concerning this and any other voice disorder issues…
Regarding spasmodic dysphonia (SD), the only option the medical professionals have to offer is botox injections inserted into the muscles in the neck and into the patient's vocal cords.
We are talking about a poison injected into one's vocal anatomy.
It is a useless and very painful procedure.
Concerning the latter, it is a known fact that, for some people, it does work for just 2 or 3 months; for others, it actually does not work at all.
Regardless, (it's been a proven fact), none of the above manipulations would work to bring the human voice to a reasonable restoration and let alone, full recovery.
As far as we are concerned, the only solution for those sufferers is to be holistically assessed in order to address the whole life history of the person of interest, find the root cause of the problem and outline the best course of action in order to be able to achieve the desired outcome - the best and fastest possible voice restoration and voice recovery on every possible and conceivable level.
As far as singers are concerned:
If they do not own a proper vocal technique, they, no doubt, might be asking for trouble…
The abuse and misuse of their voice could lead to permanent damage to the vocal anatomy.
So if vocal damage has occurred, a lot of action on their part may be required…
- Firstly the singer has to undertake some vocal rest and, as much as possible, reduce the amount of singing in all possible facets.
- Then their everyday diet has to be thoroughly examined and thus addressed.
- The food and drinks, for that matter, cannot be too acidic or mucousy.
- All the beverages have to be at room temperature.
- Anything creamy - like Nutella, peanut butter or yogurt - has to be excluded.
After the vocal anatomy gets healed to a reasonable degree, the actual singing voice restoration will begin.
The specially designed singing exercises will take place and once conquered, they will be completely applicable to the songs of any choice, calibre and style.
Those singing exercises will address all possible combinations of sounds, duration and pitch (the intervals) as well as all possible situations where those combinations will and may exist.
Once we get the singer in complete balance on every level and also educate them about the mechanical side of things, the mission will be complete and the singer will become sound (no pun intended).
To conclude:
Remember, if you are just concerned about your speaking voice, or moreover, you are a singer (or would like to become one), you need to take very good care of your “instrument” (vocal anatomy) and your physical body in general.
Whatever you do, do not "hammer" your instrument.
On the contrary, learn how to "play" it adequately without hammering and thus, harming your vocal instrument.
Can you imagine if the great pianist of all time, W.V. Liberace would suddenly take a hammer and would hammer his famous pink grand piano on regular basis?
We can only guess that this legendary instrument would become harmed and not playable any longer.
Of course, it could be fixed and then it would begin to sound as good as the original did... but only temporarily.
Therefore, if nobody would take the hammer from the hands of the player, no doubt, the whole story will repeat itself over and over again!
That is similar to the vocal operations, which a lot of people undergo in the hopes to restore and recover their voice.
And even if they did, the "hammer" would be still present in their hands... so the rest, you, my reader, just can guess...
In the case of a speaker or singer (after the vocal operation took place), the voice problem or vocal issue will definitely reoccur and, in this case, it will be just a matter of not a very long time before it presents itself again.
We, on the other hand, will assure you that while you are under our care, you will become a perfect “player”, and thus will be able to take the maximum capacity of your given gift (the "instrument") which, in turn, will allow you to maintain and preserve your "instrument" and thus, assure your adequate "playing" of it for an indefinite period of time!
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