Voice Disorders Classic Diagnosis:

Acid Reflux affecting Vocal Cords?

Can it also provoke a Muscle Tension Dysphonia Diagnosis?

Go Figure!!!

Lately, more and more voice issue sufferers are coming to me with the most - seem to be common - diagnosis such as acid reflux affecting the vocal cords, and also muscle tension dysphonia provoked by acid reflux.

Why those two specific voice disorders described above are very common, you may ask?

Are there any other vocal problems that people also experience? 

Of course, there are!

The rest of them are much more obvious growths on the vocal cords or even throat - (For example, nodes, nodules, polyps, cysts, lesions, etc).

But what appears to be interesting is that if the person (let’s say with a hoarse/raspy voice) is not diagnosed with any growth on their vocal cords, he/she is immediately labelled with one or the other diagnosis - i.e, either gastric acid reflux which is burning the sufferer’s vocal cords or muscle tension dysphonia, which affects primarily the neck muscles (and also could be connected to the acid reflux as well as even fibromyalgia).

What happens is that mainly the conventional doctors are implementing the method of elimination...

In other words, if there is nothing obvious they could detect, they offer the generic and most common diagnosis - such as described above.

How pathetic is that?

A lot of my voice repair clients came with the diagnosis of acid reflux while concurrently obeying the doctor’s orders. They took all kinds of anti-acids, changed their diets and what have you; but did not, unfortunately, accomplish any results - at least where their voice was concerned.

Their voices were still hoarse and raspy as they still did not know how to properly speak or sing.

Yes, in some cases, they could have been affected by acid reflux, but it was not the main cause of their voice problem.

It was just a side effect, as their voice was drawn in a very low throat position; that is via wrong speaking or singing and via an enormous pressure which was applied to their vocal box.

Once the voice is sitting low in its position (sounding very throaty and heavy), it will no doubt meet the gastric acid and, as a result, the vocal cords will get burned.

Given the above, it is clear that the approach to the vocal problem(s) has to be completely holistic.

I recently was speaking with a US client who had been diagnosed with Reinke's Edema (smoker’s disease). She was offered an operation instead of a recommendation of stopping smoking, cleansing her body completely from the toxins, building the strength of her vocal anatomy and learning how to speak properly without putting enormous pressure on her vocal cords and larynx. 

Even if she agreed to do the surgery, without the changes described above, it would be completely obsolete, as all of her symptoms will come back in full force in a short period of time.

There is no change without change and surgery is not one of them.

However, in some cases, surgical interference is a must, but my recommendation would be to try everything possible and impossible (so to speak), Non-Surgically first!

After all, what do you have to lose?

If nothing else, you will have knowledge and understanding to gain and then come to the right decision with God’s guidance and blessings!


- Thank you for reading! -


If you are suffering from similar voice issues and are in need of an alternative treatment option, We Can Help!

Our unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair treatment is designed to rectify various voice issues that, no doubt, limit one's ability to speak or sing.

Contact us to learn more:
info@vocalscience.com | 416-857-8741


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