
Showing posts with the label speech therapy

Non-Surgical Voice Restoration and Holistic Laryngological Care

More and more, my practice seems to consist of non-surgical voice repair cases. The speakers, the singers and the wannabe singers, are pouring into my studio in Toronto as well as in my alternative location in UK. Nevertheless, people always had problems with their voices and perhaps not necessarily less than today. However, no doubt, the food and the air, i.e. environment overall, used to be much cleaner and more pure than today. Outside of the environment, people in the past were more conscious of the education in general and vocal training in particular. In the past, they appreciated the knowledge which was giving them confidence about the safety of the use of their voice. In the past, people had dignity and integrity and a lot of them were coming to me, with or without any indicative vocal problem and were saying, "I want to sing in a better and more respectable venue and not in a toilet bar." Today, they don't care how and where they sing, as long as they

Non-Surgical Voice Repair – What Does It Begin With And What Does It Entail?

Any Non-Surgical Voice Repair starts with voice/vocal, physical, mental and definitely emotional assessment. Being a voice repair specialist for much over 3 and half decades, I could, with absolute certainty say, that all the above-indicated aspects of the human being behavior, are definitely have to be addressed. There is no voice repair process I could start without assessing not only just the voice/vocal problem, but the shape and form of the physical body which defines, so to speak, an “instrument” and the rest of the components, such as mental and emotional, would define a “player” in this instance. The voice usually is never the cause. The cause of the vocal disorder lies far beneath. There are a lot of factors (many of them from the deep past) that could lead to the voice issues. Let’s take, for example, the physical aspect of it – If the person’s diet, for the longest time, had consisted of a lot of dairy, fatty, creamy and mucous-f

It is not Speech Therapy per se (especially not in a conventional sense)... but Innovative Speaking and/or Singing Voice Repair

Over the years, I have been attending to many clients with voice problems who had undergone speech therapies of one kind or another. Unfortunately for them, they have not gotten anything out of it and some of them actually got worse. Needless to say that, at best, they left the speech therapy office feeling exactly the same as quite a few speech sessions ago and “quite a few” dollars spent. They were especially doomed if they came to speech therapy to fix their singing voice. The fact is that those speech therapists are not trained in vocals, thus they could not be knowledgeable in the restoration of voice mechanics . Some of the singers who have , so to speak, lost their ability to sing for whatever reason, actually have their speaking voice intact or close to normal. When they come to speech therapy, they are asked to blow into a kazoo or blow a bubble into the water. They are also asked to “moo and hum” some strange sounds, which really have nothing to do

What is Non-Surgical Voice Repair? Let’s Find Out!

- Voice and Vocal Disorders Treatment   - Post Voice/Vocal Restoration and Coaching - Mild Voice/Vocal Diseases Cure We treat and cure most vocaldiseases and disorders . Most disorders are treatable and some of them are even curable. With our Vocal Science Trademarked technique and employment of the, specifically selected, natural herbal and homeopathic remedies, we are able to achieve results like no other!  How it is done: The Vocal Science technique has been developed by the world renowned vocal coach, consultant and non-surgical voice repair specialist, Diana Yampolsky . By utilizing the components of the Vocal Science method, Diana became capable to save the damaged vocal anatomy and restore the speaking and/or singing voice back to normal and beyond. Using, (developed by Diana), speech and singing exercises , coupled with the certain body movements, she became capable of achieving the voice lift off of the vocal box and off of the vocal cords.

My Recent Trip To The UK: Overview & Voice Repair Case Studies

I have just recently returned from my quick and somewhat short, but very impactful, trip from London. Within only a little bit more than a week’s period of time, I was able to provide my four UK clients with my voice repair services; speaking & singing . All of them were unique in their own way and, nevertheless, all of them were different. However, one thing they had in common is that they were extremely smart and sharp, took directions really well and complied with the procedures, introduced to them, to a tee. This whole process, for me, was extremely heart rejuvenating, as here in Canada & in North America in general, for some reason, people who come to obtain my services are, by far, not as alert, are taking directions much slower and mainly, after the fact, not compliant with the aftermath protocol. For example: speech repair clients, for some reason, seem to be unable to understand that after they complete their voice repair course and treatment, they cannot

Non-Surgical Voice Repair... Technically Speaking: Applying "Forensic" Science Towards Voice/Vocal Performance

Recently, we began hearing more and more about individuals' various voice issues and vocal problems... Some people have been suffering for years with the loss of their regular voice, speaking and/or singing .  The majority of those people, in the past, had already visited all kinds of doctors and ENT specialists and thus, had gotten diagnosed with all kinds of health problems related or, most of the time, not related to their vocal performance . Moreover, the loss of their original speaking and/or singing voice  often had been associated with all kinds of factors pertaining to the person’s internal health...?   However, some of the internal health problems, in fact, may be related to the change in the quality of one's voice.    For example: If the person maintains  some unhealthy diet i.e. consumes a lot of dairy or spicy products for that matter, that person most likely will possess a lot of mucus everywhere in the body, nevertheless, vocal anatomy included. If

Non-Surgical Voice Repair: Communication Difficulties.

More and more people are inquiring about the difficulty of using their voice, as per normal. There are different factors taking place to prevent people from communicating efficiently and with no difficulty, using their speaking voice . When the voice, sometimes due to a lot of very loud and excessive talking, drops down to its very low position, it begins to sound hoarse and raspy and very low in volume. The person who experiences the above described symptoms is trying to push and pull that voice to the surface and, of course, the more they try, the less results they get. Sometime ago, my voice repair client from Boston who used to play in the Blue Grass band, (before her vocal injury) told me: “Diana, I pushed and pushed my voice, trying to bring it to a normal volume and get rid of the hoarseness, and last August, I knew that I have pushed it for the last time”. By pushing and pulling her voice, not only did she lose her volume almost completely, she a