My Recent Trip To The UK: Overview & Voice Repair Case Studies

I have just recently returned from my quick and somewhat short, but very impactful, trip from London.

Within only a little bit more than a week’s period of time, I was able to provide my four UK clients with my voice repair services; speaking & singing. All of them were unique in their own way and, nevertheless, all of them were different. However, one thing they had in common is that they were extremely smart and sharp, took directions really well and complied with the procedures, introduced to them, to a tee.

This whole process, for me, was extremely heart rejuvenating, as here in Canada & in North America in general, for some reason, people who come to obtain my services are, by far, not as alert, are taking directions much slower and mainly, after the fact, not compliant with the aftermath protocol.

For example: speech repair clients, for some reason, seem to be unable to understand that after they complete their voice repair course and treatment, they cannot begin to “speak without boarders”. The minute they acquire their speaking voice back, not even a ‘Russian Tank’ would be able to stop them.
Understandably, they were deprived of the regular communication due to their voice issues. However, they have to understand that they have just left a “vocal rehab” in a manner of speaking, and thus cannot begin right away “binging” on their colloquial speaking.

However, that, unfortunately, happened to one of my serious voice repair clients in the UK as well, who luckily, is in complete understanding of what had happened, and she also understands that, for the serious vocal anatomy problem like she has had, she would need a lot more hours of instruction, coupled with the enhanced natural treatment. That said, I will be heading out back to the UK to help her (and others) further in a few weeks.

Then there was a voice repair client who used to be a singer in his country, and won numerous of competitions in his early 20s. Not being aware of any vocal technique and just possessing a natural talent, he practiced, practiced and practiced… 

One day, right before appearing on National Television, his voice “snapped” and he was no longer able to reach the high notes which he was famous for. He had already lined up some producers who were interested in prospering his professional career. In just seconds, his dream was shattered for the next 20 years forward. Of course, with time, he buried his frustration and disappointment, but the dream to become a well-known professional singer is still alive within him. Nevertheless, he went to numerous doctors who conducted numerous of scopes, but no one seemed to be able to help him. While with me in a session, he offered me a recent picture of his internal vocal anatomy.

I was shocked, as his whole pharyngeal area was blown out of proportion on both sides!

The doctor, however, commented that his vocal cords are good and his pharyngeal area is “slightly bowed”…? So in spite of the obvious health and vocal problems, the ENT specialist recommended the vocal coaching, which supposedly would help my client to restore his singing voice!!!

Go figure!!!

My doomed student, first and foremost, needs to work on his health and his vocal anatomy health. Those bowed, out of proportion pharyngeal glands, possessing tons of toxins within them. It is just like a ticking time bomb, which could explode at any given time and could also easily cause substantial bodily harm.

As per usual, I had administered the natural herbal treatment, which plays an essential part in one’s healing. The “proof was in the pudding”. Those herbs, (which also have medicinal power) almost in an instant, set off a body reaction.

My student first started to cough and then, shortly after, acquired flue like symptoms.

To my dismay, he clued in momentarily to what’s going on and started exclaiming that he finally felt a movement in his throat and in his chest which he was wishing to feel for the last 20-somewhat years. To his very big credit, he understood that in order to conquer his physical and vocal problem, something like this has to happen, and he embraced it with gratitude. 

Way to go Man!

Then I had a voice repair client who flew to me from Scotland. That was quite a sad story, as this beautiful human being acquired what is called Spasmodic Dysphonia. This very nice woman is a teacher in a public school. Nevertheless, her vocal/neurological condition prevented her from working for some time. 

However, obtaining five official hours (and all together six, and a bit, unofficial hours), she was able to improve conducting her voice in a more proper fashion which, in turn, had helped her to experience reduced amount of spasms. Obviously, either five or six hours could not be enough to conquer such a complicated voice disorder. Hopefully in the future, this wonderful human being will be able to pair up with me again for some much more in-depth instruction and natural treatment. 

And lastly, about eight month ago, when I was last in London attending to a very beautiful and promising opera singer (former voice repair client), I also momentarily had attended to another in her mid-30s woman, who at the time, due to misuse of her speaking and singing voice, had a weak, scratchy, airy and somewhat hoarse voice. 

She only took 2 hours of instruction in 2014. 

When she came to my hotel room this time, and only for an hour and fifteen minutes, I could not recognize her voice, as she sounded completely normal, clear and amplified. I have asked her if she had attended any speech lessons, or anything like this related to the voice issue, her response was that she attempted to embark on a couple of singing lessons. 
However, she said that she was unable to locate her teacher any further. So, if that is not a miracle, then what is? I was almost shocked to hear her speaking and as well as by her new looks (loss of weight, and overall rejuvenation)!

Way to go Girl!

Her determination to restore her voice and to work on her physical appearance is, indeed, the best example for any human being.

That’s all for now.

Let’s see what my next up-coming trip to the UK will have in store for me. I will definitely make sure to share it with my readers.


  1. Could you please explain what you mean by "pharyngeal glands" ? I work in a medical voice clinic and am not familiar with this term. Thanks -

    1. Hi Johanna,

      Thank you for commenting on our blog!
      To answer you question, the pharyngeal glands are the racemose (anatomy having a structure of clustered parts) mucous glands underneath the mucous membrane of the pharynx.

      If you have any more questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at:, or call us directly at: 416-857-8741


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