
Showing posts with the label Vocal Science

Vocal Science™ - Wondering who we are & what we do…?

- We are NOT doctors… We, in fact, are practicing alternative and holistic methods applicable to nearly all human health problems, while closely specializing in the Non-Surgical Voice Repair field. - We are Natural Practitioners with holistic approach to voice /vocal mechanics; and while working on the mechanics of the voice we are also employing natural herbal and some mild homeopathic remedies to heal the actual vocal anatomy and, in particular, the disturbed flora of the throat. - Once the voice (given the proper voice application achieved via specially designed - by me -  voice exercises) is lifted off of the vocal box and structured and placed in an alternative set of muscles (facial cavities), those remedies will work that much more efficiently and the whole process will help the voice disorder sufferer to not only regain their voice, but also achieve the best possible health and nevertheless quality of their newly-found voice. - For example:  How do we t

Vocal Science™ - Voice Restoration and Life-Altering Experience!

When people inquire about their speaking or singing voice restoration, they think only about their voice and nothing else which could be related to the latter.  They do not realize that the voice is an essential part of their anatomy and a very important tool for communication (speaking or singing).  However, there are by far more benefits (in this case) to non-surgical voice repair then just the voice itself. Those regular people (non-singers) who have speech problems, usually come to our studio/clinic completely (by my definition) out-of-balance - Mentally, physically, emotionally and, of course, vocally. They possess a lot of problems and on every conceivable level:   Some have problems with weight - either too skinny or, on the contrary,   with quite excessive body mass. Some of them possess bad habits like smoking, drinking, drug use and other unhealthy addictions. Needless to say, they are not only physically unfit, but, nevertheless, mentally and emotionally

Madness to… Vocal Science?? I Would Not Create It On Purpose Even If I Could.

As technology progresses, unfortunately, human beings are regressing exponentially… How sad is that?  Sad indeed! In my roaster of clients, I possess (as far as I am concerned) the best clients they could be nowadays… However, some of them evidently cannot “walk and chew the gum at the same time”! In order for the Vocal Science™ method and technique to get “implemented into the human being” and make their voices to work upon design and upon “command”, it requires the integration and synergy between various components in order to “instil” a wholesome mechanism in one’s psyche, which would allow the human voice (speaking and singing) to work in its fullest capacity possible and with no pain or strain on the vocal anatomy. The intellectual understanding of such mechanism and its interconnection with the motor skills, will allow the voice to get in balance; and thus become to work in coordination and in congruency with the person's physical parameters (hight and width).  T

This is your riddle: You Have Voice Damage… How would you choose to fix it?

Turn to vocal surgery? Embark onto conventional speech therapy? Choose homeopathic treatments… perhaps? Or choose an alternative method of restoration of the damaged and compromised voice via the unique and non-surgical approach to Voice Mechanics …? Take a wild guess… Given the nature of our business, we, of course, have been receiving numerous inquiries with respect to damaged voices which include: Muscle Tension Dysphonia Spasmodic Dysphonia Acid Reflux Nodules & Polyps on the vocal cords Cysts & Lesions on the vocal cords and the throat   The above is just to mention a few of the many voice issues… We, of course, begin the conversation with trying to bring to those sufferers’ understanding that, unless they would change the application of their speaking and/or singing voice, the non-surgical voice repair will not be possible. By the time they call us, many of them have already been attending conventional speech therapy and contempl

We are your Health and Voice Consultants. Psychological aspects of Voice Disorders.

Lately, I have been receiving more and more clients who require non-surgical voice repair, along with psychological evaluation and some counselling with respect to their mental state...  The majority of those clients have been experiencing voice disorders like, for example, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia and, needless to say, a multitude of other voice/vocal problems and issues. With our very hectic and stress-induced lives, a mass of sufferers (with the above-mentioned and other voice disturbances), had acquired their voice/vocal problems directly related to their highly stressed and, nevertheless, emotionally induced conduct. Some of the emotional stress is related to their business lives, but even more so commonly, it is related to their family lives. To give you an example: I have been presently working with two beautiful middle-aged women, who have had dysphonia disorders, whereas one of them had been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia and the other (who joined my

Vocal Science™ - Voice Disorder…? We can help you and your voice “rise to the occasion”, so to speak…

What do we mean by that? Let’s find out! If I could say so myself, The Vocal Science™ method and technique is truly “engineered” to amaze!   For many years, we have been attending to all kinds of people with all kinds of voice/vocal disorders (speakers and singers).  Our voice repair clients, nevertheless, are experiencing today (so to speak) the 22nd century in voice/vocal innovation. Our non-surgical voice repair methods are very unique and totally holistic. We are not just working on a person’s voice (we are actually working on their mind, body and soul). Then we, nonetheless, treat the voice as a significant part of the client's anatomy, while also taking into consideration their psychological makeup. Once we succeed with all of the above described, our now former clients have often been asked: “Is that…magic happened to you?”  They apparently answered: "No… it is Vocal Science...!!" Vocal Science….   For the love… of voice! “I will l

Clearer Speech? More Sound Singing…? It’s Got to be the Vocal Science Method!

In the previous years, I had worked a lot not only with professional singers but, also, with some amateur singers who, at the time, were labelled as wannabe singers. In fact, a lot of them were recognized by various talent scouts and agents, especially when they were appearing in karaoke nights or open mic events in a variety of bars and clubs. Once upon a time, one of my beginner students was brought up by her husband to a big karaoke club to show him what she had achieved with only 5 hours of instruction (by that time) with me. She told me that she was very nervous and, understandably, felt very insecure… However, she also told me that she remembered (what we still call to this day) to “smile and bite”, and, nevertheless, she also remembered to enunciate and pronounce her words with absolute clarity. Before she finished her song (to my memory, it was a song called “Time After Time” – by Cindy Lauper), she was helped down from the stage by a person who came up to

What Is Chronic Laryngitis? Causes, Symptoms & Its Treatment!

Chronic Laryngitis In laryngitis, you will find that laryngeal mucous membrane is congested, swollen and is full of mucus. Chronic laryngitis happens as a result of continual attacks of acute laryngitis. Since the larynx is responsible for producing voice, this can naturally affect the voice of any individual. Causes Excessive use of the voice for singing, especially in a dusty atmosphere, often leads to chronic laryngitis . Heavy smoking, exposure to chemicals, poisonous fumes and harmful gases can also cause this disease. Breathing from the mouth and obstruction of the nasal sinus can precipitate chronic laryngitis. Also, in some cases, respiratory diseases such as influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and the common cold can cause chronic laryngitis. Symptoms • Hoarseness in the voice/Lost voice • Throat irritation (itchiness and scratchiness) • Difficulty in swallowing • Swollen lymph codes • Change in voice • Pain in throat Treatment If you

The Vocal Science™ Method is No Doubt “Sweat and Drench Workout of the Body”… But it is “Music” for the Mind, Soul and Voice.

I am sure, my readers, that you, most likely, are puzzled by the very intriguing title of this blog.  What do we mean by “sweat and drench workout of the body”, you may ask? I have explained in numerous publications that the Vocal Science™ method is a very unique and holistic approach to voice mechanics and the human being as a whole.  The physiology and anatomy of one’s physical makeup, in this instance, is literally treated as a person’s  “instrument”  (in a manner of speaking). Any musical instrument (before the player attempts to extract its maximum capacity) has to be tuned and has to be, so to speak, intact, to say the least. Unfortunately, the majority of our clients do not come to our  organization  with "very sound" physical bodies; I.e., some of them are not at all fit and practically unable to “walk and chew the gum at the same time”, figuratively speaking. To restore someone's voice and put it back to balance, takes an enormous effort from