The Role of Alternative Speech Therapy in the Holistic Treatment of Voice Problems affected by Acid Reflux

No one likes dealing with acid reflux. Problems like indigestion, a sour taste in your mouth, and difficulty in swallowing are all very uncomfortable effects caused by acid reflux. But did you know that acid reflux can even cause voice loss? This is called Reflux Laryngitis.

Reflux laryngitis is mainly caused by stomach acid coming up into the esophagus and thus irritating the larynx. This can cause chronic swelling of the vocal folds, and as a consequence, can create significant hoarseness and raspiness in the sound of your voice.

What is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid and its contents travel up into the esophagus and quite possibly into the throat. Common signs include a sour/bitter taste in the mouth, burping, nausea, and difficulty in swallowing. 

Causes of Acid Reflux

Persistent reflux can be caused by obesity, poor diet, food sensitivities and certain behaviours such as bending over, lying down or speaking/singing in high volume and, nevertheless, by speaking or singing immediately after eating. There are also theories that acid reflux is caused by the lack of production of stomach acid. Also, never underestimate the role of stress and the role of anxiety; both of which could play a harmful role in your health.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux:

  • Scratchy throat/feeling of something stuck in the throat
  • Bitter taste in your mouth, especially in the morning
  • Bad voice quality in the morning
  • Chronic cough and/or a sore throat
  • Reduced range of singing voice
  • Chronic throat clearing

Diagnosis and Treatment

Our approach to dealing with acid reflux is revolutionary, holistic and non-surgical, as this method of instruction and treatment gets to the root of the cause, rather than treating solely its symptoms. 

  • We will employ our revolutionary approach to voice mechanics by lifting your voice off of your vocal box and restructuring it into your set of facial muscles and then putting those facial muscles to work in full conjunction and coordination with your abdominal muscles, thus, minimizing the use of your throat, larynx and vocal cords.
  • While the above is taking place, we will simultaneously administer specially chosen natural herbs and remedies which will soothe & heal the throat/vocal cords while minimizing the pain from the effects of the acid reflux.
  • Combining the two points above will ensure the protection and longevity of the acid reflux sufferers’ vocal anatomy (throat, larynx and vocal cords). This method will also instill a newly-revised form of voice usability which is totally applicable to professional speaking and (if needed) singing.

We guarantee that you will be solely impressed with what we can do for your voice and overall health with the use of our unique Non-Surgical Voice Repair Treatment.

For more information on how we can help treat and restore the quality of the sound of the voice.
For those who are suffering from such a disorder as acid reflux, visit our site:
You can also contact us via phone at 416-857-8741, or by email at


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