Sulcus Vocalis (Vocal Cords Gap). How Could It Be Dealt With Employing Unconventional Vocal Science™ Method and its Revolutionary Voice/Vocal Technique?

We, at The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair (luckily not too often), have been getting inquiries from speakers (professional and non-professional) as well as singers, who were experiencing the nasty symptoms and then, concurrently, had gotten diagnosed with a voice disorder named Sulcus Vocalis

Those sufferers usually experience a raspy/hoarse voice. They can also sound as if they even stutter a little (due to the enlarged gap between their vocal cords). That is because the sound of their voice (in a manner of speaking) falls in between their vocal cords/folds. Evidently, the timing of the vocal cords opening and closing (on certain occasions) does not always correspond with the actual voice formation. And, thus, the above-described symptoms are prevalent. By that point, the “alignment” between the subconscious mind, conscious mind, physical body and the actual voice, becomes exponentially challenged!  

Actually, the total aim of the above described is to establish the “alignment” between the above-mentioned components and put them back in working order. That is designed to achieve the total balance on all levels i.e. Mental, physical, physiological, emotional and, nevertheless, vocal. Once the integration and synergy between the described components are achieved, the vocal cords will be commanded by the brain to come back to the proper balance (achieving a regular gap) between the vocal folds.

In addition to all of those technical components mentioned above, the advocated for the sufferer's use of natural herbal and some homeopathic remedies, will also play an instrumental role in voice recovery and voice restoration.

First of all, in the above occurrence, the lower anatomy of one's vocal box, no doubt, had been (and sometimes exponentially) damaged. The person who has acquired such a voice disorder as Sulcus Vocalis (in the first place) most likely has been misusing and abusing their speaking and or singing voice - possibly while speaking or singing loudly, forcefully and altogether using the incorrect application of their speaking voice and, nonetheless, in the case of the use of the singing voice, the inadequate and incorrect vocal technique. 

To conclude:
We are certainly involved in solving voice/vocal problems non-surgically, while concurrently employing full-time care, extensive experience and enormous expertise, unprecedented knowledge, and, nevertheless, authentic compassion in everything we are involved in with helping our clients to achieve their goals!
We proudly provide our voice repair clients as well as our singing and speech students with viable voice and overall health solutions!!
Our best efforts and, nevertheless, our results are HIGHLY SPEAKING FOR THEMSELVES!! 


  1. In December of 1982, I was a voice major in college and was suffering with constant hoarseness. My ENT advised that this was excess mucus and would be a simple matter to remove from the vocal cords, leaving my vocal quality much improved. He performed seven of these surgeries the same morning as mine, one being a 6-year-old child. The result was that he cut a notch out of one of my vocal cords, then insisted I wasn't trying hard enough was the reason for not regaining my voice, and even added that a therapist would just be throwing money away. So I continued to strain my voice. The next month, he continued with the surgery on the second cord, after which I had no voice, at all -- for a year and a half. With the help of Dr. Van Lawrence, specialist for the Houston Grand Opera, and two therapists, I finally regained some semblance of a voice. (Dr. Lawrence later confided that he had feared I would never speak again, much less sing. He added he had not counted on my tenacity. :-)) But, I've never again had the ability to sing I had at that time, which has been devastating to me and my family who were all singers. I sang from about age 3 until this happened at 38. Do you think your methods might help me -- even though I'm now 73 years old. I so miss singing to my grandchildren and singing in church. I am hoarse all the time and have a very limited range. I would sincerely appreciate your opinion. Thank you so very much. ... Edwina Lewis

    1. Hi Edwina,

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      This is Jamie Mckay, Diana Yampolsky’s assistant and office manager of The Royans Professional Vocal School, division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, writing to you.
      I have just read your comment and fully sympathize with you with respect to your unfortunate situation.

      With that said, I have informed Ms. Yampolsky about this message.
      She had briefly read it and then said that she, most likely (and quite certain) will be able to help you regain your speaking and singing voice. However, before anything, she would like you to give her a call directly so she could hear your voice in order to define where your voice stands right now so she will be able to pinpoint the best course of action she could take in your particular case.

      You can contact Ms. Yampolsky at: 416-857-8741

      Thank you.
      Best regards,

      Jamie Mckay
      Office manager
      The Royans Professional Vocal School
      Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair

      On behalf of -

      Diana Yampolsky B.M. Ed.
      World renowned Voice Repair Specialist
      Specializing in Extreme Voice Disorder Cases.
      Alternative and holistic approach to voice mechanics.
      The Royans Professional Vocal School
      Division of The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair

      P.S., if you would like to reply to this message via email, please use our official email address –

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