
How can Vocal Cord Problems (for example Vocal Cord Dysfunction) cause Problems with your Speech?

Let's look at your vocal cords from a professional point of view:  Your vocal cords (within your voice box) are not just strings… They are a delicate form of fold tissues (muscles) with a very thin lining on the outside. And just like any other tissues within the body, if not taken care of properly, they evidently can get damaged. Normally, when people start to exhibit vocal cord problems, they may not even notice them and thus, do not find the need to address them until the problems (like strained vocal cords, bleeding vocal cords or other forms of vocal cord damage) become severe enough to warrant a visit to the doctor or a qualified voice specialist. Vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) happens when the vocal cords are unable to open properly. This is also referred to as paradoxical vocal fold movement. VCD is sometimes confused with asthma as some of the symptoms are very similar. With VCD, the vocal cords close instead of opening up, when you breathe in and out. This closure

Case Study: Paralysis of one Vocal Cord and complete surgical “Butchering” of the other. Let’s examine the above occurrence and its related consequences.

Who We Are...? We are Natural, Alternative and Holistic Practitioners, Specializing in Non-Surgical Voice Repair and Other Health-Related Problems. Dear reader of mine, please note that we are exactly who we are. Please read the title carefully! We are not doctors and we are certainly not magicians… However, if we could say so ourselves (not to mention the, at least, 30,000 people who have passed through our doors for over 39 years now), the results that we produce (whereas nobody else, to our knowledge, had possessed experience and expertise comparable to ours) are, indeed, can be called miraculous, and they are, nevertheless, happening on a regular basis while our clients have been under our care. In spite of my best efforts and extensive experience and expertise, I can only provide a person with, so to speak, a “Vocal Prosthesis”. It can be compared with the person’s lost limb(s). There is no way those limbs, or even the new limbs, can be sewn back on. But what I can do is to cr

The Role of Alternative Speech Therapy in the Holistic Treatment of Voice Problems affected by Acid Reflux

No one likes dealing with acid reflux. Problems like indigestion, a sour taste in your mouth, and difficulty in swallowing are all very uncomfortable effects caused by acid reflux. But did you know that acid reflux can even cause voice loss? This is called Reflux Laryngitis . Reflux laryngitis is mainly caused by stomach acid coming up into the esophagus and thus irritating the larynx. This can cause chronic swelling of the vocal folds, and as a consequence, can create significant hoarseness and raspiness in the sound of your voice. What is Acid Reflux? Acid reflux occurs when stomach acid and its contents travel up into the esophagus and quite possibly into the throat. Common signs include a sour/bitter taste in the mouth, burping, nausea, and difficulty in swallowing.   Causes of Acid Reflux Persistent reflux can be caused by obesity, poor diet, food sensitivities and certain behaviours such as bending over, lying down or speaking/singing in high volume and, neverthel

An Alternative Method of Speech Therapy may be the answer for the Treatment of a Raspy and Hoarse Voice.

Has the quality of your voice been compromised due to chronic hoarseness? If you are suffering from this ever-growing voice problem, The Royans Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair can help to fix it. - Before we go into what it takes to completely eliminate hoarseness, we must gain a better understanding of what exactly it is. So to make things clear, hoarseness is a symptom, not a disease. It is an abnormal change in your voice caused by a variety of conditions. Due to these conditions, the voice may exhibit a change in pitch and volume, ranging from a deep, harsh voice to a weak raspy voice. The most common cause for this is what is known as acute laryngitis (inflammation of the vocal cords) which is most often caused by an upper respiratory tract infection (usually viral), and it also can be caused by overuse or misuse of the voice (like singing loudly or yelling). If you tend to use your voice a lot and are experiencing hoarseness, the strain on your voice