
Showing posts with the label muscle tension dysphonia

Vocal Science… Life With Voice! Strained Vocal Cords in association with Muscle Tension Dysphonia.

Restoring and building tomorrow's healthy voices! "If you could do it alone, you would have done it already"   - States weight loss guru, Harvey Brooks. We totally agree with his statement and are more than willing to offer you a big help employing our Vocal Science™ Method, which will greatly help you conquer all of your voice/vocal problem(s) – And We Guarantee That!! With that in mind, we have two very informative testimonials for your educational and reading pleasure. These testimonials speak for themselves. We really don’t have much to add, except; If anybody is interested to pursue a Non-Surgical Voice Repair Course and Treatment with us,   we would be more than happy to explain the technical and overall scientific side of this very fascinating process of restoring one’s voice and reclaiming one’s life… with voice! Please see below. Davida F:   Manager, Partner Programs at End to End Networks - Strained Vocal Cords & Muscle Tension Dysp

This is your riddle: You Have Voice Damage… How would you choose to fix it?

Turn to vocal surgery? Embark onto conventional speech therapy? Choose homeopathic treatments… perhaps? Or choose an alternative method of restoration of the damaged and compromised voice via the unique and non-surgical approach to Voice Mechanics …? Take a wild guess… Given the nature of our business, we, of course, have been receiving numerous inquiries with respect to damaged voices which include: Muscle Tension Dysphonia Spasmodic Dysphonia Acid Reflux Nodules & Polyps on the vocal cords Cysts & Lesions on the vocal cords and the throat   The above is just to mention a few of the many voice issues… We, of course, begin the conversation with trying to bring to those sufferers’ understanding that, unless they would change the application of their speaking and/or singing voice, the non-surgical voice repair will not be possible. By the time they call us, many of them have already been attending conventional speech therapy and contempl

We are your Health and Voice Consultants. Psychological aspects of Voice Disorders.

Lately, I have been receiving more and more clients who require non-surgical voice repair, along with psychological evaluation and some counselling with respect to their mental state...  The majority of those clients have been experiencing voice disorders like, for example, muscle tension dysphonia, spasmodic dysphonia and, needless to say, a multitude of other voice/vocal problems and issues. With our very hectic and stress-induced lives, a mass of sufferers (with the above-mentioned and other voice disturbances), had acquired their voice/vocal problems directly related to their highly stressed and, nevertheless, emotionally induced conduct. Some of the emotional stress is related to their business lives, but even more so commonly, it is related to their family lives. To give you an example: I have been presently working with two beautiful middle-aged women, who have had dysphonia disorders, whereas one of them had been diagnosed with spasmodic dysphonia and the other (who joined my

What are the Symptoms of Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD)? What Kind of Alternative, Natural & Holistic Treatments Are Available?

The term Muscle Tension Dysphonia is a general term that could be associated with an imbalance in the vocal anatomy's muscles coordination as well as breathing patterns required to create the sound of the human voice. Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) may occur suddenly, or, most likely, as a result of a strained voice being pulled into the neck muscles. The reason behind this disorder is not always known. It may be triggered by allergies, illness,  acid reflux or, by whichever other means... Symptoms - The most common symptom of this disorder is a change in voice quality, often associated with discomfort of the throat and/or vocal box in general while speaking or singing. Also, almost always, symptoms like hoarseness and raspiness will be associated with an increased effort to talk or sing, coupled with subsequent fatigue during continuous voice overuse and/or (outright) misuse. Treatment - There is an alternative form of voice therapy which is the gold standard for th

What is the Difference Between Voice Problems (Voice Disorders) & Speech Problems (Speech Impediment)?

For the last 2 and a half decades, we are more and more treating voice problems and also, sometimes, quite serious speech problems – the identification of which is  speech impediment. What is the difference between the two described above, you, my reader, may ask? There is definitely a difference between speaking voice problems (which are usually much easier to correct, as they are caused by a wrong application of one’s voice), and a speech impediment.  The former may cause voice disorders like: • Muscle Tension Dysphonia • Spasmodic Dysphonia • Vocal Cord Nodules, Polyps, Lesions, etc. As for a speech impediment, it is usually either some kind of a birth defect, (which directly effects the manner of the person’s speaking) or it is a consequence of some other diseases; like for example, stroke (pre or post condition) ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) or the aftermath of any kind of accident occurrence. In the latter, the speech center of one’s brain may be quit

Vocal Science: Non-Surgical Voice Repair – Is It Just a Lisp... or Perhaps Something Else That’s Causing It?

Nevertheless, over many years, we treated and cured a lot of people with all kinds of different speech and singing problems. Some of the voice/vocal disorders were straight forward, but some of them not so much; and I really had to figure out what the exact cause would be in order to correct the actual problem. Sometimes, there are clients who come with definite diagnosis, like, for example, a couple of years ago, we had a voice repair client from Brooklyn, New York who was diagnosed with solcus vocalis (gap between the vocal cords), 10 years prior reaching our Institute for Non-Surgical Voice Repair, here in Toronto, Canada. So at the time of such diagnosis, he was 26 years old; and by the time he reached us, he was 36 years old. By the time he finally came to us, his voice disorder progressed to the point whereas the sound of his voice was very scratchy and very raspy. Luckily, via specially designed by me speech exercises along with the application of the natural herbs and

Vocal Science, Non-Surgical Voice Repair For All The Right Reasons… Think Outside Of The Box!

In a manner of speaking, this blog will be a perfect continuation of the previous blog named “ Voice And Vocal Problems… Out-Doctored And Out-Treated… What’s next? “. Indeed… What’ next? By the law of averages, the next best thing would be to look and find the alternative solution to any of your health or voice problems. After all, we are talking about your health; and not only your voice/vocal health, but your health in general. I always had said that the voice is a reflection of the state of your being and the identification of who you are. It is equivalent to your fingerprints, as they voice you possess is exclusively your property. You can acquire voice problems from all different causes and for all different reasons. One of them could indeed be connected to the state of your health in general. One of the most common reasons could be your thyroid problem, which itself is interconnected to your emotional state of being. According to

Vocal Science: All Voice - No Pain! ("All V - No P").

Not only a great amount of people are losing voices these days, but also a lot of them are experiencing severe pain in their throats. Before, we had complaints, primarily from singers; but more and more, just regular people (speakers) are complaining on extreme discomfort in their vocal box in general.  The singers are usually ruining their vocal anatomy simply for the lack of education and simple knowledge; and thus, lack of the proper vocal technique. They very often end up with laryngitis , i.e., with the hoarse and raspy voice ; not to mention an extreme pain in their throats. The singers (also very often) end up with the growth on their vocal cord(s); such as polyps, nodules, cysts and etc.   The regular people who do not take proper care of their voice and (in majority of times) their health in general, usually end up with muscle tension dysphonia or spasmodic dysphonia .  Nevertheless, they (of course) are also susceptible to the growth on their vocal cords, but