
Showing posts with the label Voice Loss

Vocal Science - Adele Has Lost Her Voice...Again?

- Yes... She was forced to cancel the rest of her tour! - You may wonder why this had occurred one more time again…? That happened because if nothing gets changed with respect of how the artist is using his/her voice, it will inevitably reoccur again and again… unfortunately. The very first time it happened to Adele was in the year 2012 . At that time, losing her voice, she had to cancel her concerts and tour dates due to a bleeding polyp on her vocal cord.  She was transported to Boston, US, to undergo a vocal surgery which was successfully completed by one of the renowned ENT specialists. Adele was not allowed to speak for 5 months after the procedure. After that, her voice healed and returned “back to normal”, and thus she was scheduled to perform at the upcoming Grammy awards.  Right before that, she was interviewed by Anderson Cooper and during that interview, she was asked if she thought whether or not that could happen to her ever again? Without any he

Voice Repair - Who Needs It and Why?

The Right and Healthy Modality of the Vocal Behaviour for Non-Singers. Being in the music and voice business for over four decades, I've met a lot of people with good voices, bad voices and also, so to speak, broken voices.  Some of them were singers, some of them had nothing to do with singing. Those who had nothing to do with singing, however, had a lot to do with a lot of speaking; and thus sometimes, they had been forcing their voices out and screaming from the top of their lungs and from the bottom of their throats...(basically, purely screaming)! Outside of the regular people, we are also talking about some professionals like: fitness instructors, martial arts instructors, teachers, lawyers, crown attorneys, public and motivational speakers to name a few. Due to their occupational (in a manner of speaking) hazard, they have been forcing their voices to serve others and one day, someday, their once precious voice seized on them "unexpectedly and out of the blue&q

Vocally Speaking: Would Your Prefer To Fix Your Voice, Or Would You Rather Suffer From Permanent Voice Loss?

Lately, more and more, we are getting phone calls and e-mails from people who have been suffering from various voice disorders, and moreover, suffering for many years! Needless to say, that with time, (10, 20 or even 30 years later) for some reason, their voices did not get cured or even properly treated for that matter; and nevertheless, their voices did not sound any better then at the beginning of their voice/vocal ordeal; rather, in majority of cases, much worse . In fact, many of them claimed that the quality of their voices became more compromised from the time when their voice issues had originally began. So the question then is… Why these people, suffering for numerous years, never put a handle on their voice disorder? I think the answer is that there is not much help available with respect to nonsurgical voice repair , which actually (in most cases) will produce tangible results. The other reason is that people are absolutely unaware of what’s happ

Voice Repair and Other Health Problems in General!

Does anybody know…? Does anybody care for that matter…? Vocal Science… The Best or…Nothing.   Quite often, people who require voice repair have some other health problems to start with. These health problems could be a trigger to voice loss, or any kind of voice issues. Sadly enough, our Canadian singer Gord Downie has recently been diagnosed with Terminal Brain Cancer; and peculiarly enough, the tumor is apparently located near the speech center of his brain… I am not a doctor; though it makes me wonder whether or not his not exactly adequate singing (in my subjective professional opinion) and, understandably, a lifestyle of a rocker (which usually comes with the territory), has anything to do with it? This is just speculation on the matter, but it probably has some merit. Let’s also examine a very serious disorder called Spasmodic Dysphonia: I personally call it “Vocal Epilepsy”, as the voice of the sufferer spasms uncontrollably. The disease, in its nat

Non-Surgical Voice Repair. How Do We Work? What is our recipe for success?

Our recipe for success is the quality of our unique vocal instruction and natural herbal & homeopathic treatments for any of your voice issues. Our advanced voice healing program is designed to eliminate pain & assure the full restoration of the voice. Vocal Science™ program has not been designed for the digital age and thus, it has to be delivered in an up-close & personal manner. We have been serving the Greater Toronto area, and the world, for nearly 32 years. With respect to all of our clients, & especially for our non-surgical voice repair clients, we go Above and Beyond.  That said it should be clear that something that important, like the well-being of your voice, cannot be attended to, or fixed, remotely.  Those who do understand will travel to us to obtain our own revolutionary Vocal Science technique, coupled with the specially selected herbal and homeopathic remedies which are specifically designed to treat the particular voice problem. O

Vocal Injury … The pain could be inevitable, but the suffering should be optional.

“I’m not a reborn Christian, I am a reborn human,” said Karen Gundling, my recent voice repair client from Ottawa, Ontario.  Like many of my other clients, Karen lived with her voice disorder for almost two decades.  She had seen many medical professionals, alternative doctors, and nevertheless, speech therapists. To all of them, she had been complaining about the pain in her throat, her neck and her shoulder, evidently associated with that.  Practically all of them told her that it is “all in her head”.  Only one of the specialists was able to diagnose her with muscle tension dysphonia (MTD) , but like everybody else, he was not able to administrate any kind of treatment which would help Karen to get rid of her nagging pain while speaking.  Needless to say, she was devastated and practically was ready to give up on life.  She is a very vibrant and boisterous person who loves to talk a lot. Some of the so-called medical professionals ordered her to keep silent fo

Conventional Voice Repair Hullabaloo! -- Kazoo...? or Not to Kazoo?

Lately I attract more and more voice repair clients who have problems with speech and not necessarily with singing. Some of them have been suffering for two or even three decades with diagnoses like muscle tension dysphonia (MTD), spasmodic dysphonia, vocal cords burned with acid reflux and many other voice issues . None of them were able to get any meaningful help from medical doctors or even specialists and let alone from speech therapists. Some of my clients have seen numerous speech therapists who offered them to blow into a kazoo, blow into a straw to a glass of water, and yawn with an excessive sigh ! According to those speech therapists the muscles on their patients’ necks and their vocal cords for that matter will get relaxed and that’s how all of their vocal issues will be solved … ??? In my humble opinion all of those manipulations are completely obsolete, useless, and counter-productive. By following the above, nothing meaningful can be produce