
Showing posts with the label MTD

MTD, SD, ADD, Lack of Balance, Low Level of Fitness…

From our side, a Holistic Approach to Rectifying all of the above and more! Now, with over 36 years of business, we thought that we had seen it all. As it appears to be, the above is actually not the case. In the previous years, we had never seen people who have no control whatsoever of their physical bodies; nor we had seen people who absolutely do not know English phonetics. We do see a majority of clients who are entering our establishment and who developed very bad habits over the years; especially while trying to conduct their physical body with obvious inability to “walk and chew the gum at the same time” in a manner of speaking. The fact is that the Vocal Science™ method and its very unique vocal technique requires the person to use certain body movements while walking and talking (or singing) at the same time.   Also, a lot of our clients, especially those with speaking voice problems, possess the wrong formation of the words to begin with. While pronouncing certain

There's 24 hours in a day. 13 of my hours I think about you...

We would like to forward you a post-course letter - sent by A Morris, Former Muscle Tension Dysphonia Sufferer from the USA. We hope that you find it inspirational :) Please read below.  ____________ First up, a little info about A Morris. A Morris, was a student who had embarked on my famous 30-hour voice repair course and who has shown that she has been very serious and, nonetheless, in understanding of what I've done for her body and soul in connection with her voice. I am positive that her dream will be realized after her and I will embark on the next 30 hours of my unique vocal instruction (The Masterclass) - which, nevertheless, had produced a lot of professional singers, who ended up getting signed to major record labels. The school also taught and mentored many winners of major international competitions who, no doubt, greatly benefited from the care of The Royans Professional Vocal School - founded in 1984. ____________   "Hi Diana.  There's 24

Laryngitis: Causes, Symptoms, Consequences and Aftermath (if not treated)

Judy L from Chicago, USA - Case study: From Laryngitis to strained vocal cords and finally, and unfortunately… to Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD). A few years ago, Judy arrived to us with her husband from Chicago, speaking with a pretty raspy and hoarse voice. This is her story: Judy and her husband, Bill, being in their early 60’s, had two grown children who, unfortunately, had never been married - and thus, did not produce any grandchildren for this very nice couple. They, however, were hoping to become grandparents for sometime… From their words, their son had never introduced any of his relationships to his parents, and therefore, they didn’t even know if he actually was ever involved with anyone at all. According to them, they only saw their son, at best, a couple of times a month with his dirty laundry brought by him to his parents’ place. As for their daughter, who happened to be a child star of a very well-known TV show, and mainly lived on the residuals der

Muscle tension Dysphonia… How can this Disorder Negatively Effect the Singing Voice?

Recently, we received a very talented (musically and otherwise) student who has been offered a major record deal in the United States. Three years ago, this singer/songwriter/producer felt that he could no longer reach the high notes, which he could easily reach before. He experienced vocal fatigue and thus could sustain any sound only for a short period of time. He acquired fear and emotional distress, knowing that his singing voice is not working in full capacity as before. He decided to withhold embarking onto the record deal; And rightfully so, as he felt that he could've lost his voice altogether if he continued singing (and speaking for that matter) in the same fashion. Within our introductory/exploratory session, we explained to him that if he does not change the application of his speaking and singing voice, he may actually lose his voice to the point of no return. What could be a bigger fear and frustration for a talented up-and-coming singer then to lose the

Vocal Cord Damage Acquired during Open Heart Surgery…?

Case Study: This story is about Vera D of Barrie Ontario, whose vocal cords got damaged during her open heart surgery… Vera came to us in the year 2015 when she hardly could speak, and mostly was whispering. She told us her story whereas before coming for our non-surgical voice repair services, she had undergone open-heart surgery, after the completion of which, she fell in a life-and-death coma. It took over 45 minutes to revive her. Thank God, luckily for her, she survived the ordeal. But when she woke up, she discovered that she had no voice to speak. It clearly was damaged due to intubation and, perhaps, some other internal surgical procedures related to the main cause. She was told that she would never regain her normal speaking voice ever again. She underwent some very painful and useless tests that revealed that her vocal cord damage was permanent. On this note, she was offered not one, but two vocal operations with absolutely no guarantee that her voice will ever return b

Time and Time Again, Medical Doctors And Speech Therapists Had Failed The Patient With The Muscle Tension Dysphonia Diagnosis!

The story is about “old” Maggie Y - now the “new” Ariel Y. Maggie Y came to us about a year ago to fix her breaking and crackling voice due to Muscle Tension Dysphonia (MTD) voice disorder. Maggie told us her story and explained the reason why she thinks it happened to her. With her permission, we would share her story with you: Maggie originally came to Canada with her parents from China and, of course, being a young girl, she had experienced all the trials and tribulations of the immigration process. Needless to say, that her parents were also extremely stressed going through the process of relocating to Canada. Nonetheless, with all that, while their marriage was already compromised even before the immigration, during the process, it became much more so on the rocks. When Maggie turned 16 (she is now 24 years old ) the family situation became much worse, especially while she was attending high school. The parents were fighting every day and Maggie, in order to s

Treatment for Muscle Tension Dysphonia  What Do You Need to Know and (Needless to Say) to be Aware Of?

Muscle tension dysphonia is a term used to define significant change in the sound of one’s voice - usually due to the muscle strain in the neck. Hoarseness or discomfort via excessive muscle tension in and around the voice box, can be indicating signs of the beginning stages of this nasty voice disorder - MTD. Needless to say, muscle tension dysphonia disorder inhibits the sufferer from using their natural voice. MTD can easily develop, for example; due to some infectious diseases like laryngitis and can also remain to be even after the swelling of the vocal cords subsided. It can also be caused by stress, therefore potentially causing co-occurring voice problems. However, this kind of dysphonia may occur on its own, identified as primary MTD - or it may occur as a result of other underlying disorders, known as secondary MTD. What are the symptoms of this kind of dysphonia? Muscle tension dysphonia generally causes the voice to sound rough, hoarse, raspy, weak, breathy