Would You Like To Be in Contact with Aubry M, A Muscle Tension Dysphonia Survivor?
A couple of days ago, we had an inquiry from Detroit, Michigan USA. With Aubrie’s permission and encouragement, we submitted Aubrie’s phone number and e-mail address to the person who happened to be a singer with a quite-noticeable tremor on the bottom of her throat.
That tremor was clearly on its way to becoming what’s known as the Spasmodic Dysphonia voice disorder…
When we inquired with Aubrie whether or not the above-mentioned person contacted her, we have learnt that she never did. After conveying that back to Aubrie, we got a text from Aubrie stating:
- “I know… Lord, she better get with it! But, no doubt, I’ll convince her of her ( honest to God ) last hope!!”

Not only that she acquired a healthy voice and had gotten rid of the constant sharp pain in her throat, but she also learnt how to speak and sing properly without harming her vocal anatomy!
If you are interested in speaking with her over the phone or to communicate with her via e-mail, we will be more then happy to provide you with her phone number and/or an e-mail address.
Given Aubrie’s very infectious enthusiasm, we are positive that we will meet you in person very soon. With her encouragement, supported by our guaranteed results, our promise is to deliver to you the very best of the Vocal Science™ method coupled with its very unique voice/vocal technique.
Desire and Deserved
For success stories from those who have experienced the benefits of the Vocal Science(TM) method and technique, visit the post-course letters section of our website:
For more info on innovative vocal coaching and/or non-surgical voice repair, visit our websites:
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